
16 KiB


Inital commit, which is working with the browser


  • Fixes:
    • log-to-file: is now storing the last logs as well
    • nope-package-loader: is transmitting the correct parameters.
  • Optimazations:
    • nope-package-loader: now storing elements with stringifyWithFunctions and is capable to read functions.
    • pub-sub-system: Adding partial changes of the topic structure. This speeds up the entire system.


  • Fixes:
    • pub-sub-system: Fixed _notify and _updatePartialMatching
  • Added:
    • pub-sub-system: Listeners receive now: topicOfContent (the path of the data that is extracted), topicOfChange (the path of the data that emitted teh update), topicOfSubscription (the subscription.),
    • nope repl: Added the context nope


  • Fixes:
    • helpers.jsonSchemaMethods: -> renamed flatten to nested.
  • Added:
    • helpers.descriptors: -> parseFunctionToJsonSchema
    • helpers.jsonSchemaMethods: -> added flattenSchema and reduceSchema. This Function will create a nested JSON-Schema.


  • Fixes:
    • -> fixing receivingOwnMessages.
    • runNopeBackend -> if io-server is used, no configuration file is loaded


  • Added:
    • helpers.limit: limitedCalls -> Functinality to limit parallel calls.


  • Added:
    • helpers.limit: getLimitedOptions -> Helper to get the correspondings options
    • helpers.limit.spec: Adding test cases


  • Modified:
    • helpers.singleton: Prevent using symbols, to make global version work with local version.


  • Fixes:
    • helpers.singleton: work with Symbol.for --> Can be used in different systems now.
    • symbols.symbols: work with Symbol.for --> Can be used in different systems now.


  • Modified:
    • cli.runNopeBackend: added the flag "noBaseServices" to prevent providing the base-services
    • communication.getLayer.nodejs\browser: adding default value for logger
    • dispatcher.getDispatcher: changed option "constructorClass" to "dispatcherConstructorClass"
    • helpers.limit.spec: Adapted Timings
    • loader.getPackageLoader.nodejs\browser: Changed the options.


  • Fixes:
    • dispatchers.ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityManager: fixing isMaster- Fixed
  • Modified:
    • types.nope.ConnectivityManager.interface:
      • INopeStatusInfo.upTime =renamed=> connectedSince
      • INopeConnectivityManager added => "upTime" and "connectedSince"
    • dispatchers.ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityManager:
      • INopeConnectivityManager added "connectedSince" (which is expressed in the adapted Timestamp.)
  • Added:
    • dispatchers.ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityManager.spec: Added Master - Test


  • Fixes:
    • dispatchers.ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityManager: fixing isMaster. Now deals corecctly with multiple masters.
  • Modified:
    • cli.runNopeBackend: prevented io-server to be a master.
    • dispatcher.getDispatcher: Adapted input to options. This includes all options
    • dispatcher.core.NopeCore: Add flag Displising. This shows, if the dispatcher is getting disposed
    • loader.getPackageLoader.browser: Adapted input to options. This includes all options
    • loader.getPackageLoader.nodejs: Adapted input to options. This includes all options
    • types.nope.ConnectivityManager.interface:
      • INopeStatusInfo.isMasterForced: Flag if the master mode is forced
      • INopeStatusInfo.isMaster: Flag if the node is a master. this could be forced or selected
    • types.nope.nopeCore.interface:
      • INopeCore.disposing: A Flag, that indicates, that the core is disposing.
    • types.nope.nopeDispatcher.interface:
      • INopeDispatcherOptions: Utilizes INopeINopeConnectivityOptions now.
    • dispatchers.ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityManager.spec:
      • Added test for forced masters.
    • helpers.arrayMethods: Added Typings for minOfArray


  • Fixes:
    • Small fixes in the imports of some items in module.BaseModule.injectable; module.GenericWrapper.injectable; helpers.descriptors to make shure, the nope.d.ts for the browser is compiled.


  • Added:
    • Added gui defintion files in types.ui containing:
      • rendering callback options
      • base layout based helpers,
      • provided libraries
    • Added dev-depencies for libraries.
    • added ui.loader a backend component to readin the ui.


  • Added:
    • Added internalInstances: INopeObservable<string[]> to InstanceManager.:
    • Added dev-depencies for libraries.
  • Modified:
    • Modified addAllBaseServices now includes some options, which can be used to determine the specific service to load.


  • Added:
    • lib\cli\nope adding scan for ui service
    • lib\decorators\container: Main Container, holding all methods and classes. Use getCentralDecoratedContainer() to get this decorator.
    • types\nope\nopePackage.interface added IClassDescription which contains the class description used in the Package Description.
    • logger\nopeLogger: added methods: enabledFor, enableFor, shouldLog
    • package.json: installed types of ace text editor.
    • ui\helpers.browser: Created convertInstanceRenderPage and IUiDefinition
    • ui\helpers.nodejs: Added a Helper to write the Ui-File (writeUiFile) and parse its arguments (readInwriteUiFileArgs)
    • ui\index.*: Crated the corresponding exports.
  • Modified:
    • lib\decorators\* Adding the main container where every function, service method etc is added. All decorators now safe the decorated elements in the container.
    • helpers\json: Adding BEGIN_STR and END_STR for parsing functions as constants.
    • logger\eventLogging: simplify useEventLogger
    • logger\index.browser: Adating exports.
    • loader\loadPackages: Modifing IPackageConfig now extends Partial the IPackageDescription
    • types\ui\editor\IEditPage: adapting Type of getData to T->any. Adapting the return of getPorts (The Ports will be generated in the ui then)
    • types\ui\editor\helpers.interface: Adapting the w2ui and added w2uiHelpers and added ace. Rearanging IRenderData element. to compact the data.
    • types\ui\editor\render.callbacks: Rearange the Generic Type of TRenderInstancePage and Renaming TCreatorPage to TInstanceManagerPage. Adapting the option of TInstanceManagerPage regarding the createInstance and instances
    • types\ui\editor\index: Adapting the Exports.
    • lib\index.browser: Exporting ui elements
    • lib\index.nodejs: Exporting ui elements
    • lib\types\index: Exporting ui elements
  • Fixes:
    • types\nope\nopeInstanceManager.interface: Fixing Type of createInstance. Now the Type I extends INopeModule instead of being set to IGenericNopeModule


  • Added:
    • types\ui\helpers.interface: Added the ui section in IRenderData. This contains the following props: fullscreen (INopeObservable) to controll the fullscreen \ ge the state. Additionally the functions openFullscreen, closeFullScreen and getTheme have been added. Added type IUiTheme
  • Modified:
    • Renamed IEditPage to IServiceEditPage
    • Adapted TRenderConfigureServicePage, TRenderInstancePage and TInstanceManagerPage by adding Extension-Type
    • Adapted TRenderFunction removing the args setting.


  • Modified:
    • renaming the following constants in lib\types\ui\editor\INodes:
      • NODE_TYPE_CONSTANT = "node:data:constant";
      • NODE_TYPE_DATA_TO_TOKEN = "node:logic:data-to-token";
      • NODE_TYPE_FLOW_OPERATION = "node:logic:flow";
      • NODE_TYPE_PLACE = "node:logic:place";
      • NODE_TYPE_TOKEN_TO_DATA = "node:logic:token-to-data";
      • NODE_TYPE_TRANSITION = "node:logic:transition";
      • NODE_TYPE_VAR = "node:data:constant";
      • NODE_TYPE_MODULE = "node:module";
    • updating TServiceGetPortsReturn (adding label and removing type)and IServiceEditPage (remove getPorts) in lib\types\ui\editor\IServiceEditPage
    • relocating IUiDefinition to lib\types\ui\helpers.interface
      • influences lib\ui\helpers.browser and lib\ui\helpers.nodejs


  • Fixes:
    • Small Syntax-Fixes for better parsing.
  • Added: -py-helpers: Added a Parser, which will create a Tree and then will be used to transpile the coresponding ast.


  • Fixes:
    • py-helpers: Now using correct elements.
  • Small comments etc.


  • Fixes:
    • helpers\objectMethods: The function convertData no converts not matching items as well
    • helpers\objectMethods: The function tranformMap no works with empty pathes like ""


  • Fixes:
    • dispatcher\instanceManager\InstanceManager: Fixing the Mapbased item
    • dispatcher\RpcManager\RpcManager: Fixing the Mapbased item


  • reverting 1.3.3
  • Fixes:
    • dispatcher\instanceManager\InstanceManager: Fixing the Mapbased item
    • dispatcher\RpcManager\RpcManager: Fixing the Mapbased item
    • helpers\mapMethods*: Fixing extractUniqueValues and some tests. If you want to extract the data of an array please use +
    • helpers\mergeData*: Fixing the Mapbased item
    • helpers\objectMethods*: Fixing convertData function


  • reverting 1.3.3
  • Added:
    • helpers\stringMethods: Added the function varifyString
  • Modified:
    • dispatcher\instanceManager\InstanceManager: Adapting the name of the instance to use a valid instance name.
    • dispatcher\rpcManager\rpcManager: Adapting the name of the service to use a valid service name.
    • cli\runNopeBackend: Adapting the name of the service to use a valid service name.


  • Added:
    • cli\runNopeBackend: Added the a helper to add varify the name. (see modifications in dispatcher\InstanceManager\InstanceManager, dispatcher\RpcManager\NopeRpcManager)
  • Modified:
    • helpers\stringMethods: added function union and difference.
    • helpers\setMethods: added function varifyString.
    • types\nope\nopeDispatcher.interface: Added option forceUsingValidVarNames
  • Fixes:
    • types\nope\nopeInstanceManager.interface: Fixed the typing of getInstancesOfType and createInstance


  • Fixes:
    • helpers\mapMethods: Fixing tranformMap. Now correctly assigning onlyValidProps


  • Modified:
    • helpers\limit: Now providing an logger level in the options, results in creating a logger and logging the desired messages in the provided level.


  • Fixing:
    • helpers\limit: Now enrows all functions provided.


  • Modified:
    • helpers\limit: Adding parameter assignControlFunction to assing the controll function.
    • helpers\index: modified the export of the limit stuff.
  • Added:
    • helpers\functionMethods*: Added helpers for functions


  • Modified:
    • helpers\functionMethods: Adding asnyc detection


  • Modified:
    • helpers\limit: added the option minDelay. If provided, the calles are ensured to be delayed with this options. If 0 or smaller -> no delay is added.


  • Fixes:
    • cli\runNopeBackend: Fixing parameter preventVarifiedNames no works correctly.


  • Fixes:
    • helpers\ui\helpers.nodejs: Adding the option upload-ui
    • helpers\ui\helpers.nodejs: Adding the option upload-ui


  • Modified:
    • asyncified all ui-related services.
    • Adapted ui-defintion of functions:
      • autoGenBySchema Helper to enable auto generating a configuration
      • requiresProviderForRendering Flag to indicate, that rendering the service configuration requires a provider itself. This for instance is the case, if some needs to be called.
    • types\ui\editor\IServiceEditPage.ts: Asnycify the Calls
    • types\ui\editor\render.callbacks.ts: Asnycify the Calls


  • Modified:
    • loading all files related to *.functions.js
      • Adapted the following files to implement that behavior:
        • getCentralDecoratedContainer in lib\decorators\container.ts -> now provides services as Map
        • exportFunctionAsNopeService in lib\decorators\functionDecorators.ts to work with the map.
        • loadFunctions in lib\loader\loadPackages.ts to match the interface of loadPackages and add the functions to the package-loader.
        • added the function addDecoratedElements in the package-loader and the interface.


  • Fixes:
    • Fixing time based issue in ConnectivityManager (using the now synced time for checkups)
      • dispatchers.ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityManager: fixing _checkDispatcherHealth
    • Fixing extractUniqueValues now it is possible to use different pathes for the key and value
      • lib\helpers\mapMethods.ts has been adapted
    • lib\pubSub\nopePubSubSystem.ts contains the following fixes:
      • fixing typo of method updateMatching
  • Modified:
    • lib\pubSub\nopePubSubSystem.ts:
      • throws error if register method doest not contain a topic.
      • Adapted the behavior of _patternbasedPullData. If no default default value is present -> the function returns an empty array.


  • Fixes:
    • Fixing time based issue in ConnectivityManager (using the now synced time for checkups)
      • dispatchers.ConnectivityManager.ConnectivityManager: fixing _checkDispatcherHealth
    • Fixing extractUniqueValues now it is possible to use different pathes for the key and value
      • lib\helpers\mapMethods.ts has been adapted
    • lib\pubSub\nopePubSubSystem.ts contains the following fixes:
      • fixing typo of method updateMatching
  • Modified:
    • Adapted the event-names of the communication. Now starts with lower chars.
    • Code clean ups:
      • removed _communcatorCallback from dispatcher\RpcManager\NopeRpcManager.ts
      • renamed quite to quiet
    • adapted internal methods of NopeRpcManager:
      • added: _cancelHelper
      • Now the targetin the Request segement is provided every time!

      • renamed _partialMatchingUpdate to _updatePartialMatching
    • adapted NopePubSub:
      • renamed parameter mqttBasedPatternSubscriptions to mqttPatternBasedSubscriptions
    • helpers\path -> in _getLeastCommonPathSegment we only iterate over the avaible keys.


  • Modified:
    • Renamed the decorator exportFunctionAsNopeService -> exportAsNopeService and the Interface IexportFunctionAsNopeServiceParameters -> IexportAsNopeServiceParameters
    • NopeInstanceManager and GenericWrapper: Now receives a factory to generate the a NopeEventEmitter:
      • This affects a lot packages.
    • NopeModule:
      • renamed listFunctions to listMethods
      • renamed functions is now called methods
      • The Description format is being updated (functions is now called methods)
  • Fixes:
    • NopeModule:
      • Now disposes Emitters as Properties as well
      • getIdentifierOf checks event emitters as well now.
    • GenericWrapper:
      • Now automatically registers emitters as well.
  • Added:
    • NopeModule: Added the method listEvents (to show the available Emitters registered as Properties.)


  • Modified:
    • lib\dispatcher\ConnectivityManager\ConnectivityManager.ts:
      • Status is only send if required (if no other item)
      • Dispatcher Health is only checked if required.
    • lib\dispatcher\InstanceManager\InstanceManager.ts:
      • Made: getServiceName public
    • lib/dispatcher/RpcManager/NopeRpcManager.ts:
      • The following functions are now async:
        • _sendAvailableServices -> it is awaited in some functions now (hasnt before)
      • unregisterService -> now returns a boolean for sucess
  • Added:
    • lib\demo\instances: Added demo elements. (Instances.)