2022-07-21 23:31:19 +02:00

431 lines
17 KiB

%import common.WS
%import common.DIGIT
%import common.INT
// JS-Ignorers:
%ignore /\"use strict\";/
%ignore /Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });/
%ignore /var __(.|\n)*?};/
%ignore /\w+ = __decorate(.|\n)*?\], \w+\);/
%ignore /exports.\w+ = \w+;/
type_of_function: "void 0"
MULTI_LINE_COMMENT: "/**" /(.|\n)*?/ "*/\n"
COMMENT: "//" /.*/
STR: /(`.*?`)|(".*?")|(\'.*?\')/
%ignore COMMENT
%ignore WS
// Ignore Exports
%ignore "export" "default" /w+/ ";"
%ignore "export" "*" "from" STR ";"
%ignore "export" "*" "as" /w+/ "from" STR ";"
%ignore "export" /(?<=export)(.|\n)+?(?=})/ "}" "from" STR ";"
%ignore "export" /(?<=export)(.|\n)+?(?=})/ "}" ";"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Summary:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
start: statement+
// we have to define, what is a valid return type
ret_expr: id
| str
| str_multi_line
| num
| bool
| null
| undefined
| instanceof
| typeof
| increment
| decrement
| invert
| list
| dict
| descruct_dict
| reassign
| await_stmt
| delete_stmt
| reg_ex
| throw_statement
| sum
| product
| boolean_operation
| accessor
| function
| arrow_function
| function_call
| inline_if
| new_class
| break_statement
| continue_statement
| "(" ret_expr ")"
| return_statement
// Now we ar able to provide this expressions wiht a terminator.
ret_expr_with_terminator: ret_expr terminator
return_statement: "return" [ret_expr]
statement: ret_expr_with_terminator
| declare
| declare_var
| declare_var_not_initialized
| declare_var_descructed
| import_stmt
| for
| while_statement
| do_while
| if_statement
| switch
| class
| decorated_class
| function
| try_catch
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default Terminator:
terminator: ";"
// Default ID:
id: /[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*/ -> identifier
// We define valid import statements:
import_stmt: "import" str terminator -> import_stmt_all
| "import" id "from" str terminator -> import_stmt_id
| "import" "*" "as" id "from" str terminator -> import_stmt_as
| "import" "{" import_names "}" "from" str terminator -> import_stmt_from
// we may import multiple items:
import_names: import_name ("," import_name)* [","]
// The import name might include multiple lines
import_name: id
| id "as" id -> import_as_name
| /\n/
// Lets define a string;
str: /(`.*?`)|(".*?")|(\'.*?\')/
str_multi_line: /(`(\\`|.|\n)*?`)/
// Lets define a number;
num: INT ["." INT] | "." INT
// Define a boolean;
bool: "false" | "true"
null: "null"
undefined: "undefined"
increment: accessor "++"
| "++" accessor
decrement: accessor "--"
| "--" accessor
invert: "!" ret_expr
instanceof: id "instanceof" id
typeof: "typeof" accessor
delete_stmt: "delete" accessor
await_stmt: "await" ret_expr
reg_ex: "/" /(?<=\/).+(?=\/\w)/ "/" [/\w/]
?sum: product
| sum "+" product -> add
| sum "-" product -> sub
| accessor "+=" product -> assigned_add
| accessor "-=" product -> assigned_sub
?product: atom
| product "*" atom -> mult
| product "/" atom -> div
| accessor "*=" atom -> assigned_mult
| accessor "/=" atom -> assigned_div
boolean_operation: boolean_input boolean_operator boolean_input
boolean_operator: ">" -> bool_op_gt
| "<" -> bool_op_lt
| "<=" -> bool_op_lte
| ">=" -> bool_op_gte
| "==" -> bool_op_eq
| "===" -> bool_op_eq
| "!=" -> bool_op_not_eq
| "!==" -> bool_op_not_eq
| "&&" -> bool_op_and
| "||" -> bool_op_or
| "in" -> bool_op_in
boolean_input: ret_expr
?atom: ret_expr
| id
| "-" atom -> negative_types_repr
| "(" sum ")"
// Define Lists.
list: "[" [list_items] "]"
list_items: (list_item [","])+
list_item: ret_expr
| "..." ret_expr -> list_item_rest
descruct_list: "[" ((id | (rest_accessor)) [","])* "]" "=" ret_expr
// Define Objects
dict: "{" [dict_items] "}"
dict_items: (dict_item [","] )+
dict_item: (id | num | str) ":" ret_expr -> dict_item_default
| id "(" [func_args] ")" func_body -> dict_item_func
| "..." ret_expr -> dict_item_rest
| id -> dict_item_short
descruct_dict: "{" ((id | (id ":" id) | (rest_accessor)) [","])* "}" "=" ret_expr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lets enable defining variables:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export: "export"
declare: "declare" declare_var_type id terminator
declare_var.10: [export] declare_var_type id "=" ret_expr_with_terminator
| [export] declare_var_type id "=" function
declare_var_not_initialized: [export] declare_var_type id terminator
declare_var_descructed: declare_var_type descruct_dict terminator
| declare_var_type descruct_list terminator
// Valid defintions of variables.
declare_var_type: "let"
| "var"
| "const"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Acess Variables:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// To access some vars
// We may want to convert them to
// specific types.
bracket_accessor: id
| str
| str_multi_line
| num
| bool
| instanceof
| typeof
| "(" await_stmt ")"
| await_stmt
| sum
| product
| boolean_operation
| function_call
| inline_if
| "(" bracket_accessor ")"
accessor: id -> var_based_access
| str
| num
| list
| dict
| await_stmt
| "(" await_stmt ")"
| accessor ["?"] ("." accessor)+ -> access_dot
| accessor ["?"] ("[" bracket_accessor "]")+ -> access_bracket
| function_call -> simple_access
rest_accessor: "..." id
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reassignment:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// lets define a reassingment:
reassign: accessor "=" ret_expr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions:
// These may contain:
// - Async Functions
// - Sync Functions
// They might be defined as `arrow_function`.
// In General, a function is name with an valid id, may be typed,
// may receives a custom amount of arguments and normally provides a
// function body;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function: [export] "function" [id] "(" [func_args] ")" func_body -> function
| [export] "async" "function" [id] "(" [func_args] ")" func_body -> async_function
arrow_function: "(" [func_args] ")" "=>" func_body -> arrow_function
| "async" "(" [func_args] ")" "=>" func_body -> async_arrow_function
// Now we have to define the valid arguments:
// The function may receives multiple arguments
// which are typed or implicit (-> any)
func_args: func_arg ("," func_arg)*
func_arg: id -> default_func_arg
| "..." id -> rest_func_arg
| id "=" ret_expr -> assigend_func_arg
// We dont want to enable list | dict destruction as a function arg, because
// we can not parse it more or less :(
// | dict | list
// Define the Function Body:
// This consists of the brackets and the statements in the function
func_body: "{" [func_statements] "}"
func_statements: func_statement+
func_statement: statement
// And now we define, which elements are allowed to be included
// in a function. in our case these are more or less all statements
// Additionally, we have ot make shure, that we are able to
// "return" something.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Defintion of how a function could be called.
// In here we consider sync as well as async calls.
function_call: accessor "(" [call_args] ")"
// We define our call args:
call_args: call_arg ("," call_arg)*
call_arg: ret_expr -> call_arg
| "..." ret_expr -> rest_call_arg
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Loops
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define a For - Statement
for: "for" "(" declare_var_type for_iter_var for_iter_type ret_expr ")" iter_body -> default_for
| "for" "(" declare_var_type "[" (for_iter_var [","])+ "]" for_iter_type ret_expr ")" iter_body -> mutli_for
| "for" "(" declare_var_type id "=" ret_expr ";" ret_expr ";" ret_expr ")" iter_body -> ranged_for
for_iter_type: "in" | "of"
for_iter_var: id | dict | list
while_statement: "while" "(" ret_expr ")" iter_body
do_while: "do" iter_body "while" "(" ret_expr ")" terminator
iter_body: "{" iter_statements "}" | iter_statement
iter_statements: iter_statement*
iter_statement: statement
continue_statement: "continue"
break_statement: "break"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IF-Statements
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define a If - Statement
// We have to consider "if" "else if" and "else"
if_statement: "if" "(" ret_expr ")" if_body [else_if_statements] [else_statement]
else_if_statements: else_if_statement+
else_if_statement: "else" "if" "(" ret_expr ")" if_body
else_statement: "else" if_body
if_body: "{" statement* "}"
| ret_expr_with_terminator -> if_body_single
inline_if: ret_expr "?" ret_expr ":" ret_expr
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// switch-case
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
switch: "switch" "(" ret_expr ")" switch_body
switch_body: "{" ((switch_case)* [switch_default])* "}"
switch_case: "case" ret_expr ":" [switch_case_body]
switch_default: "default" ":" [switch_case_body]
switch_case_body: (("{" switch_case_statements "}") | switch_case_statements) break_statement
switch_case_statements: switch_case_statement*
switch_case_statement: statement
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Error Handling
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
try_catch: "try" try_catch_body "catch" "(" id ")" try_catch_body ["finally" try_catch_body]
try_catch_body: "{" statement* "}"
throw_statement: "throw" ret_expr
throw_error_statement: "throw" "Error" "(" ret_expr ")"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// classes
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class: [export] "class" id ["extends" id] class_body
decorated_class: "@" function_call class
| /let \w+ = (?=class)/ class terminator // Version compiled by tsc
class_body: "{" class_declarations* "}"
class_declarations: constructor
| getter
| setter
| method
| async_method
| decorated_method
| decorated_async_method
constructor: "constructor" "(" constructor_args? ")" func_body
constructor_args: constructor_arg ("," constructor_arg)*
constructor_arg: ["@" function_call] func_arg
getter: "get" id "(" ")" func_body
setter: "set" id "(" func_arg ")" func_body
method: id "(" [func_args] ")" func_body
async_method: "async" id "(" [func_args] ")" func_body
decorated_method: ("@" function_call) method
decorated_async_method: ("@" function_call) async_method
// Types for a new Class
new_class: "new" id "(" [call_args] ")"