2020-10-25 21:14:51 +01:00

248 lines
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* @author Martin Karkowski
* @email
* @create date 2019-02-21 09:09:09
* @modify date 2020-03-11 17:12:52
* @desc [description]
import { IFont } from './IFont';
import { IScaling } from './IScaling';
import { IShadow } from './IShadow';
import { IWidthContraint } from './IWidthContraint';
export type arrowTypes = 'circle'|'circle-filledout'|'box'|'crow'|'curve'|'diamond'|'inv_curve'|'triangle'|'inv_triangle'|'bar'|'vee'|'arrow';
export interface IBaseEdgeOptions<K=any> {
* To draw an arrow with default settings a string can be supplied. For
* example: arrows:'to, from, middle' or
* 'to;from', any combination with any seperating symbol
* is fine. If you want to control the size of the arrowheads, you can
* supply an object.
arrows?: 'to' | 'from' | 'middle' | 'to;from' | 'to;middle' | 'to;from;middle' | 'from;middle' | {
* When true, an arrowhead on the 'to' side of the edge is drawn, pointing to
* the 'to' node with default settings. To customize the size of the arrow,
* supply an object.
to?: boolean | {
* Toggle the arrow on or off. This option is optional,
* if undefined and the scaleFactor property is set,
* enabled will be set to true.
enabled?: boolean,
* The scale factor allows you to change the size of
* the arrowhead.
scaleFactor?: number,
* The type of endpoint. Possible values are: arrow, bar, circle. The default is arrow.
type?: arrowTypes
middle?: boolean | {
* Toggle the arrow on or off. This option is optional,
* if undefined and the scaleFactor property is set,
* enabled will be set to true.
enabled?: boolean,
* The scale factor allows you to change the size of
* the arrowhead.
scaleFactor?: number,
* The type of endpoint. Possible values are: arrow, bar, circle. The default is arrow.
type?: arrowTypes
from?: boolean | {
* Toggle the arrow on or off. This option is optional,
* if undefined and the scaleFactor property is set,
* enabled will be set to true.
enabled?: boolean,
* The scale factor allows you to change the size of
* the arrowhead.
scaleFactor?: number,
* The type of endpoint. Possible values are: arrow, bar, circle. The default is arrow.
type?: arrowTypes
* When false, the edge stops at the arrow. This can be useful if you have thick lines
* and you want the arrow to end in a point. Middle arrows are not affected by this.
arrowStrikethrough?: boolean;
chosen?: boolean |{
edge?: (values, id, selected, hovering) => void
color?: string | {
color?: string,
highlight?: string,
hover?: string,
inherit?: true | false | 'from' | 'to' | 'both'
opacity?: number
* Select Dashes for the Connection
dashes?: boolean | number [];
* Filed containing the User-Data
data?: K;
* Settings of the Font
font?: IFont;
* Id of the Node on which
from: string;
* Flag to hide the Edge
hidden?: boolean;
* Assuming the hover behaviour is enabled in the interaction module, the hoverWidth
* determines the width of the edge when the user hovers over it with
* the mouse. If a number is supplied, this number will be added to the width.
hoverWidth?: number;
* Id of the Edge
id?: string;
* The label is the piece of text shown under the edge.
label?: string;
* Flag to hide the Label
labelHidden?: boolean,
* Determines whether or not the label becomes bold when the edge is selected.
labelHighlightBold?: boolean;
* The physics simulation gives edges a spring length.
* This value can override the length of the spring in rest.
length?: number;
* The physics simulation gives edges a spring length. This value can
* override the length of the spring in rest.
physics?: boolean;
* If the value option is specified, the width of the
* edges will be scaled according to the properties in this object.
* Keep in mind that when using scaling, the width option
* is neglected.
scaling?: IScaling;
* The selectionWidth determines the width of the edge when the edge is
* selected. If a number is supplied, this number will be
* added to the width. Because the width can be altered by the
* value and the scaling functions, a constant multiplier or added
* value may not give the best results. To solve this, you can supply a
* function.
selectionWidth?: number | ((value: number) => number);
* When the to and from nodes are the same, a circle is drawn. This is
* the radius of that circle. This property is deprecated please use
* selfReference instead.
selfReferenceSize?: number;
selfReference?: number;
* Toggle the casting of shadows. If this option is not defined, it is
* set to true if any of the properties in this object are defined.
shadow?: IShadow;
* When true, the edge is drawn as a dynamic quadratic bezier curve.
* The drawing of these curves takes longer than that of straight
* curves but it looks better. There is a difference between dynamic
* smooth curves and static smooth curves. The dynamic smooth curves
* have an invisible support node that takes part in the physics
* simulation. If you have a lot of edges, you may want to consider
* picking a different type of smooth curves than dynamic for better
* performance.
smooth?: boolean | {
* Toggle smooth curves on and off. This is an optional option. If any
* of the other properties in this object are set, this option will be
* set to true.
enabled?: boolean,
* Accepted options: ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'none'].
* This options is only used with the cubicBezier curves. When true,
* horizontal is chosen, when false, the direction that is larger (x
* distance between nodes vs y distance between nodes) is used. If the
* x distance is larger, horizontal. This is ment to be used with
* hierarchical layouts.
forceDirection?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'none',
* Possible options:
* 'dynamic', 'continuous', 'discrete', 'diagonalCross',
* 'straightCross', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'curvedCW',
* 'curvedCCW', 'cubicBezier'.
* When using dynamic, the edges will have an invisible support node
* guiding the shape. This node is part of the physics simulation.
'dynamic' | 'continuous' | 'discrete' | 'diagonalCross' |
'straightCross' | 'horizontal' | 'vertical' | 'curvedCW' | 'curvedCCW' | 'cubicBezier',
* Accepted range: 0 .. 1.0. This parameter tweaks the
* roundness of the smooth curves for all types EXCEPT dynamic.
roundness?: number;
* The title is shown in a pop-up when the mouse moves over the edge.
title?: string;
type?: string;
to: string;
* When a value is set, the edges' width will be scaled using the
* options in the scaling object defined above.
value?: number;
* The width of the edge. If value is set, this is not used.
width?: number;
* If false, no widthConstraint is applied. If a number is specified,
* the maximum width of the edge's label is set to the value. The
* edge's label's lines will be broken on spaces to stay below the
* maximum.
widthConstraint?: IWidthContraint;
/** Selector for selecting a corresponding Edit-Page */
editorComponentSelector?: string;