// Automatic Genearted File for Backendclass "{{className}}" // To update run `npm run build:backend` import { nopeDispatcher } from "../nopeDispatcher" import { Operation } from "express-openapi"; export default function (_dispatcher: nopeDispatcher) { let operations = { {{method}} }; // Function to Parse the Inputs const parseParams = (req) => { return [{{#each params}}req.body.{{name}}{{#unless @last}}, {{/unless}}{{/each}}] } // Define the Action. async function {{method}}(req, res, next) { // Transform the Operation to the Callback of the Dispatcher. const result = await _dispatcher.performCall<{{{returnType.simplifiedSubType}}}>('{{baseUri}}/{{methodUri}}', parseParams(req)) // Finish the Task. res.status(200).json(result) } // Define the apiDoc for this specific Funtion POST.apiDoc = { {{#if methodDescription}}summary: '{{methodDescription}}',{{/if}} {{#if operationId}}operationId: '{{operationId}}'{{/if}}, parameters: [ {{#if useDefaultParameters}} { name: "body", in: "body", description: "Body of the Message", required: true, schema: {{{inputSchema}}} } {{/if}} {{#if useCustomParameters}} {{useCustomParameters}} {{/if}} ], responses: { {{#if hasReturnType}} 200: { {{#if resultDescription}}description: '{{resultDescription}}',{{/if}} {{#unless resultDescription}}description: 'Not Provided', {{/unless}} schema: {{{outputSchema}}} }, {{/if}} {{#unless hasReturnType}} 200: { {{#if resultDescription}}description: '{{resultDescription}}',{{/if}} {{#unless resultDescription}}description: 'Not Provided', {{/unless}} }, {{/unless}} default: { description: 'An error occurred', schema: { additionalProperties: true } } } } as Operation; return operations; }