import { Project } from "ts-morph"; import { analyzeFiles } from "./analyzeTypescriptFiles"; import * as handlebars from 'handlebars'; import { readFile, copyFile } from "fs/promises"; import { join } from 'path'; import { createFile, createPath } from "./fileHelpers"; /** * Generate the Client Templates. * @param options */ export async function generateClientTemplate(options: { pathToTemplate: string, outputDir: string, inputDir: string, tsConfigFilePath: string, }) { // Create the Output dir (if it doenst exists) await createPath(options.outputDir); // Firstly copy the nopeDispatcher await copyFile( join(__dirname,'..','..','..','lib','dispatcher','nopeDispatcher.ts'), join(options.outputDir,'nopeDispatcher.ts') ); // Function to Determine new project files. const project = new Project({ tsConfigFilePath: options.tsConfigFilePath, addFilesFromTsConfig: false, }); project.addSourceFilesAtPaths(options.inputDir); // Readin the Source-Files. const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles(); // Generate the Files const result = analyzeFiles(sourceFiles); // load the File. const template = await readFile(options.pathToTemplate, { encoding: 'utf-8' }) // Renderfuncting const render = handlebars.compile(template); // Generate the Files. const files: { name: string, content: string, }[] = => { item.className = item.className + 'ClientInterface' return { name: item.className + '.ts', content: render(item) } }); for (const file of files){ await createFile( // Generate the Path. join(options.outputDir,'clients',, file.content ) } // Compile the Template and parse the Code. return true; }