import { Server } from "http"; import * as io from ''; import { Logger } from "winston"; import { CommunicationEvents, ICommunicationInterface } from "../dispatcher/nopeDispatcher"; import { getLogger } from "../logger/getLogger"; /** * Communication Layer using IO-Sockets. * * @export * @class IoSocketServer * @implements {ICommunicationInterface} */ export class IoSocketServer implements ICommunicationInterface { protected _socket: io.Server protected _sockets: Set; protected _funcs: Set<(...args: any[]) => void>; protected _logger: Logger; /** * Creates an instance of IoSocketServer. * @param {number} port The Port, on which the Server should be hosted * @param {Server} [server] A Server shich should be used. (Otherwise a Server is created) * @memberof IoSocketServer */ constructor(public port: number, server?: Server) { if (server) { this._socket = (io as any)(server); } else { this._socket = (io as any)(); } this._logger = getLogger('info', 'IO-Socket'); this._socket.listen(port); const _this = this; this._socket.on('connection', (client) => { _this._logger.debug('New Connection established: ' +; // Add the Elements to the Client _this._sockets.add(client); // Subscribe to Loosing connection: client.on('disconnect', () => { _this._logger.debug('Connection of : ' + + ' lost.'); _this._sockets.delete(client); }); // Forward the Messages client.on('task', (...args) => { _this._logger.debug('received content: ', ...args); for (const _func of _this._funcs) { _func(...args) } }); }) this._sockets = new Set(); this._funcs = new Set<(...args: any[]) => void>(); } on(events: CommunicationEvents, cb: (...args: any[]) => void) { this._funcs.add(cb); } send(data: any): void { this._logger.debug('sending', data); this._socket.emit('task', data); } }