/** * @author Martin Karkowski * @email m.karkowski@zema.de * @create date 2020-11-06 08:52:42 * @modify date 2020-11-12 13:26:43 * @desc [description] */ import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import { Server } from "http"; import * as io from "socket.io"; import { Logger } from "winston"; import { getNopeLogger } from "../logger/getLogger"; import { NopeObservable } from "../observables/nopeObservable"; import { IAvailableInstanceGeneratorsMsg, IAvailableServicesMsg, IAvailableTopicsMsg, ICommunicationInterface, IExternalEventMsg, IRequestTaskMsg, IResponseTaskMsg, ITaskCancelationMsg } from "../types/nope/nopeCommunication.interface"; import { INopeObservable } from "../types/nope/nopeObservable.interface"; /** * Wrapper Interface. * Creates an Interface for a Socket server */ export class IoSocketSeverEventEmitter { connected: INopeObservable; protected _socket: io.Server protected _sockets: Set; protected _funcs: Map void>; protected _logger: Logger; protected _internalEmitter: EventEmitter; /** * Creates an instance of IoSocketServer. * @param {number} port The Port, on which the Server should be hosted * @param {Server} [server] A Server shich should be used. (Otherwise a Server is created) * @memberof IoSocketServer */ constructor(public port: number, server?: Server) { if (server) { this._socket = (io as any)(server); } else { this._socket = (io as any)(); } this._internalEmitter = new EventEmitter(); this.connected = new NopeObservable(); this.connected.setContent(false); this._logger = getNopeLogger("io-socket-server"); this._logger.info("waiting for connection. Listening on port: " + port.toString()); this._socket.listen(port); const _this = this; this._socket.on("connection", (client) => { _this._logger.debug("New Connection established: " + client.id); // Add the Elements to the Client _this._sockets.add(client); // Subscribe to Loosing connection: client.on("disconnect", () => { _this._logger.debug("Connection of : " + client.id + " lost."); _this._sockets.delete(client); if (_this._sockets.size === 0) { _this.connected.setContent(false); _this._logger.warn("All Connections lost"); } }); for (const [id, _func] of _this._funcs) { // Subscribe to the Events: client.on(id, (...args) => { _this._logger.debug("received content: ", ...args); // Forward the Message. _func(...args); }); } _this.connected.setContent(true); }); this._sockets = new Set(); this._funcs = new Map void>(); } off(event: string, cb: (...args: any[]) => void) { // Remove the Subscription from the Socket. for (const socket of this._sockets) { socket.off(event, cb); } // Remove the Function. this._funcs.delete(event); } on(event: string, cb: (...args: any[]) => void) { // Add the Subscription to the Sockets. for (const socket of this._sockets) { socket.on(event, cb); } // Store the Function this._funcs.set(event, cb); this._internalEmitter.on(event, cb); } emit(event: string, data: any): void { if (this._logger.isDebugEnabled()) { this._logger.debug("sending data on: " + event); } this._socket.emit(event, data); this._internalEmitter.emit(event, data); } } /** * Communication Layer using IO-Sockets. * * @export * @class IoSocketServer * @implements {ICommunicationInterface} */ export class IoSocketServer extends IoSocketSeverEventEmitter implements ICommunicationInterface { async onTaskCancelation(cb: (msg: ITaskCancelationMsg) => void) { this.on("cancel", cb); } async emitTaskCancelation(msg: ITaskCancelationMsg) { this.emit("cancel", msg); } async onAurevoir(cb: (dispatcher: string) => void) { this.on("aurevoir", cb); } async emitAurevoir(dispatcher: string) { this.emit("aurevoir", dispatcher); } async emitNewInstanceGeneratorsAvailable(generators: IAvailableInstanceGeneratorsMsg) { this.emit("generators", generators); } async onNewInstanceGeneratorsAvailable(cb: (generators: IAvailableInstanceGeneratorsMsg) => void) { this.on("generators", cb); } async emitRpcRequest(name: string, request: IRequestTaskMsg) { this.emit(name, request); } async emitRpcResult(name: string, result: IResponseTaskMsg) { this.emit(name, result); } async onRpcResult(name: string, cb: (result: IResponseTaskMsg) => void) { this.on(name, cb); } async offRpcResponse(name: string, cb: (result: IResponseTaskMsg) => void) { this.off(name, cb); } async onRpcRequest(name: string, cb: (data: IRequestTaskMsg) => void) { this.on(name, cb); } async offRpcRequest(name: string, cb: (data: IRequestTaskMsg) => void) { this.off(name, cb); } async emitNewServicesAvailable(services: IAvailableServicesMsg) { this.emit("services", services); } async onNewServicesAvailable(cb: (services: IAvailableServicesMsg) => void) { this.on("services", cb); } async onBonjour(cb: (dispatcher: string) => void) { this.on("bonjour", cb); } async emitBonjour(dispatcher: string) { this.emit("bonjour", dispatcher); } async emitNewTopicsAvailable(topics: IAvailableTopicsMsg) { this.emit("topics", topics); } async onNewTopicsAvailable(cb: (topics: IAvailableTopicsMsg) => void) { this.on("topics", cb); } async onEvent(event: string, cb: (data: IExternalEventMsg) => void) { this.on("event_" + event, cb); } async emitEvent(event: string, data: IExternalEventMsg) { this.emit("event_" + event, data); } async offEvent(event: string, cb: (data: IExternalEventMsg) => void) { this.off("event_" + event, cb); } }