import { injectable } from "inversify"; import { InjectableNopeBaseModule } from "../../module"; import { NopeObservable } from "../../observables"; import { NopePromise } from "../../promise"; import { IHelloWorlModule } from "./IHellWorldModule"; import { nopeMethod, nopeProperty } from "../../decorators"; import { getNopeLogger, ILogger } from "../../logger/index.browser"; @injectable() export class HelloWorldModuleWithDecorators extends InjectableNopeBaseModule implements IHelloWorlModule { @nopeProperty({ mode: ["publish"], topic: "testProp", schema: {}, }) public testProp = new NopeObservable(); @nopeProperty({ mode: ["publish"], topic: "currentTime", schema: { type: "string", }, }) public currentTime = new NopeObservable(); /** * Custom Function * * @param {string} greetingsTo * @return {*} * @memberof TestModule */ @nopeMethod({ schema: { type: "function", inputs: [ { name: "greetingsTo", schema: { type: "string", description: "Name who should be greeted.", }, }, ], outputs: { type: "string", description: "The Greeting", }, }, }) async helloWorld(greetingsTo: string) { return "Hello " + greetingsTo + "! Greetings from " + this.identifier; } _logger: ILogger; /** * Test Function to Update the Property. * * @memberof HelloWorldModuleWithDecorator */ @nopeMethod({ schema: { type: "function", inputs: [], outputs: { type: "null", }, }, }) async updateTestProp() { this.testProp.setContent("Internally Updated using updateTestProp()"); } /** * Function which will delay the Execution. * * @param {number} n * @return {*} * @memberof HelloWorldModuleWithDecorator */ @nopeMethod({ schema: { type: "function", inputs: [ { name: "amount", schema: { type: "number", }, }, ], outputs: { type: "null", }, }, }) public sleep(n: number) { let timer: any = null; const _this = this; return new NopePromise( (resolve, reject) => { timer = setTimeout(resolve, n); }, (reason) => {"Canceling Sleep Function because of:", reason); if (timer != null) { clearTimeout(timer); } } ); } protected _interval: any; async init() { this._logger = getNopeLogger("HelloWorldModule");"Created by dispatcher:",; = { forename: "Martin", mail: "", surename: "karkowski", }; this.description = "Test Hello World Module for Nope 2.0"; this.version = { date: new Date("12.10.2020"), version: 1, }; await super.init(); // Every 1000 ms publish an update of the current time. this._interval = setInterval(() => { _this.currentTime.setContent(new Date().toISOString()); }, 1000); const _this = this; this.testProp.setContent("INITAL_VALUE"); this.testProp.subscribe((value, sender) => { _this.identifier, 'got update for "testProp" = ', value, "from", sender ); }); } async dispose() { clearInterval(this._interval);"Deleting Module"); await super.dispose(); } }