# Getting started --- ## Installation: ### Using https://npm.zema.de/ Use the following code: `npm --registry https://npm.zema.de/ install nope` ### Use this Libary locally: 1. Clone the repo: `git clone -b lib https://git.zema.de/tfs/ZISS/_git/nope-js` 2. Install the depencies by typing `npm install` 3. Go to your desired folder and create a local link `npm link` _``path to the cloned package`_ --- ## Documentation The Documentation is contained in here. Alternative you can create a Documentation using `npm run-script doc`. This will create the Documentation under `docs`. You'll additional help under `wiki`. The `wiki` is mostly running as `Markdown` or `Jupyter`-Notebook. ### Run the wiki 1. Install the documents via: `00-install-jupyter.bat` 1. Install the `jupyter` with `pip3 install jupyter` 2. Install a Javascript interpreter for `jupyter` with `npm install -g ijavascript`. Afterwards install the extension `%appdata%\npm\ijsinstall` 2. Run the `01-start-jupyter.bat` --- ## Contribute To contribute to the Project, please perform the following steps: 0. Perform the Steps in `PREPARE_VSCODE.md` 1. Assign a new Version under `contribute/VERSION` 2. Fillout the Change Log in the `CHANGELOG.md` 3. Implement Your Changes and **Test-Cases**: 1. For Testing the Library [`mocha`](https://mochajs.org/) is used (click [here](https://mochajs.org/) for more details). 2. name your tests `*.spec.ts` 3. run the tests with `npm test` 4. If the Test are successfully proceed, otherwise perform your Bugfixes 5. Run the Code-Formater: `npm run-script prettier-format` 6. Push the Code to the Git --- ### Commiting Changes For simpler usage, you can use the following helpers: - `00-compile.bat`, which will compile the library for the browser and nodejs - `10-push-to-npm.bat`, which will push the library to the npm registry. #### Browser 1. Compile the code: `npm run-script compile-browser` 2. Build the Library; `npm run-script build` 3. Switch the Package Defintion to `browser` by `node ./contribute/toBrowser.js` 4. Publish the Code to `https://npm.zema.de/` using `npm publish --registry https://npm.zema.de/` #### Nodejs 1. Compile the code: `npm run-script compile-nodejs` 2. Switch the Package Defintion to `nodejs` by `node ./contribute/toNodejs.js` 3. Publish the Code to `https://npm.zema.de/` using `npm publish --registry https://npm.zema.de/`