set DIR=%~dp0 cd "%DIR%" if not "%1"=="am_admin" (powershell start -verb runas '%0' am_admin & exit /b) @echo off git stash git checkout dev git pull %@Try% @REM Uninstall IO-Server node .\dist\lib\cli\ioServerService.js -m uninstall %@EndTry% :@Catch echo uninstall IO-Server :@EndCatch @REM Uninstall all Services for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /s /o /b *03-uninstall.bat') do ( echo %%a call %%a ) @REM Delete old Files. rmdir dist /s /q rmdir services /s /q rmdir node_modules /s /q %@Try% @REM Install New Node Packages npm install %@EndTry% :@Catch echo uninstall IO-Server :@EndCatch @REM compile %@Try% echo Recompiling call npx tsc -p ./tsconfigBackend.json --pretty %@EndTry% :@Catch echo Expected some errors :@EndCatch @REM update the Configuration: node .\dist\modules\wamo\cli\generateConfig.js @REM create the new services node .\dist\lib\cli\createService.js --noFuncs --runInstances --runEveryService --runExtra --layer io-client --log info node .\dist\lib\cli\ioServerService.js -m install @REM now reinstall the services @REM Install all Services for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /s /o /b *01-install.bat') do ( echo %%a call %%a )