import { BehaviorSubject, CompletionObserver, ErrorObserver, NextObserver, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; export interface nopeObserver { active: boolean; } export declare type NopePartialObserver = NextObserver & nopeObserver | ErrorObserver & nopeObserver | CompletionObserver & nopeObserver; /** * RsJX based Observable. * * Contains additional Functionalities like: * - property with the current value * - function to publish values. (wrapper for next) * - enables performing a subscription with synced call or a immediate call. */ export class nopeObservable extends BehaviorSubject { protected _currentValue: T; /** * Getter for the Current Value. */ public get currentValue(): T { return this._currentValue; } /** * Setter for the Current value. */ public set currentValue(value: T) {; } /** * Creates a custom Observable. * @param initialValue */ constructor(initialValue: T) { super(initialValue); const _this = this; this.subscribe((data) => { _this._currentValue = data; }); } /** * Function to Publish a Value to the stream. * @param value The Value. */ publish(value: T) {; } subscribe(observer?: NopePartialObserver, cbMode?: 'sync' | 'immediate'): Subscription; /** @deprecated Use an observer instead of a complete callback */ subscribe(next: null | undefined, error: null | undefined, complete: () => void, cbMode?: 'sync' | 'immediate'): Subscription; /** @deprecated Use an observer instead of an error callback */ subscribe(next: null | undefined, error: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void, cbMode?: 'sync' | 'immediate'): Subscription; /** @deprecated Use an observer instead of a complete callback */ subscribe(next: (value: T) => void, error: null | undefined, complete: () => void, cbMode?: 'sync' | 'immediate'): Subscription; subscribe(next?: (value: T) => void, error?: (error: any) => void, complete?: () => void, cbMode?: 'sync' | 'immediate'): Subscription; // Underlying implementation subscribe(observerOrNext?, errorOrcbMode?, complete?: () => void, cbMode?: 'sync' | 'immediate'): Subscription { // The first argument could be an Observer or Callback (Depricated) and the callbacks for complete and error let _cbMode = cbMode; let _error = errorOrcbMode; let _complete = complete; let _observerOrNext = observerOrNext; // If the first argument is an Observer => the second argument must be the cbMode if (typeof observerOrNext === 'object') { // Adapt the Callback _cbMode = errorOrcbMode || 'sync'; // The error function must be undefined _error = undefined; } // Test the cbMode if (_cbMode === 'immediate') { switch (typeof observerOrNext) { case 'object': if ((observerOrNext as NopePartialObserver).next) { const orgFunc =; = (v: T) => setImmediate(() => { if ((observerOrNext as NopePartialObserver).active) {, v); } }); } if ((observerOrNext as NopePartialObserver).error) { const orgFunc =; = (v: T) => setImmediate(() => { if ((observerOrNext as NopePartialObserver).active) {, v); } }); } if ((observerOrNext as NopePartialObserver).complete) { const orgFunc =; = (v: T) => setImmediate(() => { if ((observerOrNext as NopePartialObserver).active) {, v); } }); } break; case 'function': _observerOrNext = typeof observerOrNext === 'function' ? (_value: T) => setImmediate(observerOrNext, _value) : observerOrNext; break; default: break; } _error = typeof errorOrcbMode === 'function' ? (_errorValue: any) => setImmediate(errorOrcbMode, _errorValue) : undefined; _complete = typeof complete === 'function' ? () => setImmediate(complete) : undefined; } return super.subscribe(_observerOrNext, _error, _complete); } }