const RE_EXTRACT_ARGS = /(^[a-z_](?=(=>|=>{)))|((^\([^)].+\)|\(\))(?=(=>|{)))/g; const RE_VALUE_PARAMS = /(?<=[`"'])([^\`,].+?)(?=[`"'])/g; /** * Helper to extrat the code of the function: * * @example * ```javascript * function func(betterMakeSure, itWorksWith, longVariables = 'too') {} * * const r = extractArgumentsPartFromFunction(func); * * // => r = (betterMakeSure,itWorksWith,longVariables='too') * * ``` * @param func * @returns */ export function _extractArgumentsPartFromFunction(func): string { /** * Based on the given sources: * * Source: * Source: * * added the async related errors. */ let fnStr = func .toString() .replace("async", "") .replace(RegExp(`\\s|function|${}`, `g`), ``); fnStr = (fnStr.match(RE_EXTRACT_ARGS) || [fnStr])[0].replace( RE_VALUE_PARAMS, `` ); return !fnStr.startsWith(`(`) ? `(${fnStr})` : fnStr; } /** * Helper to count all arguments of an function (including the optional ones.) * @param func The funtion to chekc * @returns */ export function countAllArguments(func) { /** * Source: * Source: */ const params = _extractArgumentsPartFromFunction(func); if (params === "()") return 0; let [commaCount, bracketCount, bOpen, bClose] = [ 0, 0, [...`([{`], [...`)]}`], ]; [...params].forEach((chr) => { bracketCount += bOpen.includes(chr) ? 1 : bClose.includes(chr) ? -1 : 0; commaCount += chr === "," && bracketCount === 1 ? 1 : 0; }); return commaCount + 1; } /** * Helper to count the arguments. * @param func The function ot be analysed * @returns */ export function countArguments(func): { optional: number; static: number; total: number; } { const usedArguments = countAllArguments(func); return { optional: usedArguments - func.length, static: func.length, total: usedArguments, }; } /** * Helper to fill provided arguments for the function. * @param func The function ot be analysed * @param providedArg The allready provided args * @param argsToFill The Arguments to fill * @param fromEnd A Flag to toggle, whether the arguments should be filled from the end or the beginning. */ export function fillOptionalArguments( func, providedArg: any[], argsToFill: any[], fromEnd = true ) { const argumentOptions = countArguments(func); if (argsToFill.length > argumentOptions.optional) { // More arguments provided as possible => give a warning } if ( argumentOptions.optional > 0 && > providedArg.length ) { // Fill the arguments const left = - providedArg.length; for (let i = 0; i < left; i++) { providedArg.push(undefined); } // Now we cann fill some arguments. const sourceOffset = left >= argsToFill.length ? 0 : argsToFill.length - left; for (let i = 0; i < argsToFill.length; i++) { let idxToWrite = 0; if (fromEnd) { idxToWrite = - argsToFill.length + i; } else { idxToWrite = - left + i; } providedArg[idxToWrite] = argsToFill[sourceOffset + i]; } } return providedArg; }