#Introduction TODO: Give a short introduction of your project. Let this section explain the objectives or the motivation behind this project. #Getting Started TODO: Guide users through getting your code up and running on their own system. In this section you can talk about: 1. Installation process 2. Software dependencies 3. Latest releases 4. API references #Build and Test TODO: Describe and show how to build your code and run the tests. #Contribute TODO: Explain how other users and developers can contribute to make your code better. If you want to learn more about creating good readme files then refer the following [guidelines](https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/git/create-a-readme). You can also seek inspiration from the below readme files: - [ASP.NET Core](https://github.com/aspnet/Home) - [Visual Studio Code](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode) - [Chakra Core](https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore)