import { assert } from "chai"; import { describe, it } from "mocha"; import { countAllArguments, countArguments, fillOptionalArguments, _extractArgumentsPartFromFunction, } from "./functionMethods"; describe("functionMethods", function () { // Describe the required Test: describe("countArguments - static functions", function () { function test1() { console.log("test"); } function test2(a, b, c) { console.log("test"); } function test3(a, b, c = "hello") { console.log("test"); } function test4(a, b, c = "with, comma") { console.log("test"); } function test5(a, b, c = "with escaped ' quote and, comma") { console.log("test"); } function test6( a, b, c = "with escaped ' quote and, comma", d = 'and double " quotes, too!' ) { console.log("test"); } function test7( a, b, c = "testFuncCalls".substr(1, 2), d = "or maybe (string parenthesis)", e = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(5, 2)) ) { console.log("test"); } function test8(betterMakeSure, itWorksWith, longVariables = "too") { console.log("test"); } function test9(single) { console.log("test"); } function test10(single = "default") { console.log("test"); } function test11(a, b, c = { objects: true, test: "," }) { console.log("test"); } function test12(a, b, arrays = [true, 2, "three, "]) { console.log("test"); } function test13(a = "endingEmptyParenths".toString()) { console.log("test"); } function test14(singleInDouble = "'", b = 1) { console.log("test"); } function test15(doubleInSingle = '"', b = 1) { console.log("test"); } function test16(doubleInSingle = '"', b = 1, ...args) { console.log("test"); } function test17(p1: (p1, p2) => {}, p2) { console.log("test"); } function test18(p1: (p1, p2) => {}, p2 = null) { console.log("test"); } function test19(p1: (p1, p2) => number = (a, b) => 1, p2 = null) {} const tests = [ [test1, 0, 0], [test2, 3, 0], [test3, 2, 1], [test4, 2, 1], [test5, 2, 1], [test6, 2, 2], [test7, 2, 2], [test8, 2, 1], [test9, 1, 0], [test10, 0, 1], [test11, 2, 1], [test12, 2, 1], [test13, 0, 1], [test14, 0, 2], [test15, 0, 2], [test16, 0, 3], [test17, 2, 0], [test18, 1, 1], [test19, 0, 2], ]; let idx = 1; for (const [func, s, o] of tests) { it(`correct counting of test${idx++}`, function () { const res = countArguments(func); assert.equal( res.static, s, `Expecting static - parameters to ${s} to match ${res.static}` ); assert.equal( res.optional, o, `Expecting ${o} to match ${res.optional}` ); }); } }); describe("countArguments - arrow functions", function () { const tests = [ [/* 1*/ function empty() {}, 0], [/* 2*/ function simple(a, b, c) {}, 3], [/* 3*/ function withString(a, b, c = "hello") {}, 3], [/* 4*/ function withStringAndComma(a, b, c = "with, comma") {}, 3], [ /* 5*/ function withEscapedStuffInStringValue( a, b, c = "with escaped ' quote and, comma" ) {}, 3, ], [ /* 6*/ function withEscapedStuffAndCommaInStringValue( a, b, c = "with escaped ' quote and, comma", d = 'and double " quotes, too!' ) {}, 4, ], [ /* 7*/ function withParenthesisInStringValues( a, b, c = "testFuncCalls".slice(1, 2), d = "or maybe (string parenthesis)", e = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(5, 2)) ) {}, 4, ], [ /* 8*/ function (betterMakeSure, itWorksWith, longVariables = "too") {}, 3, ], [/* 9*/ function (single) {}, 1], [/*10*/ function (single = "default") {}, 1], [/*11*/ function (a, b, c = { objects: true, test: "," }) {}, 3], [/*12*/ function (a, b, arrays = [true, 2, "three, "]) {}, 3], [/*13*/ function (a = "endingEmptyParenths".toString()) {}, 1], [/*14*/ function (singleInDouble = "'", b = 1) {}, 2], [/*15*/ function (doubleInSingle = '"', b = 1) {}, 2], [/*16*/ () => {}, 0], [/*17*/ (_ = 23) => {}, 1], [/*18*/ (a) => {}, 1], [/*19*/ (...a) => {}, 1], [ /*20*/ (a) => { return a; }, 1, ], [/*21*/ (b = 1, a = {}) => {}, 2], [/*22*/ (b = 1, a = [1, 2, 3]) => {}, 2], // [/*23*/ function (foo, bar) {}.bind(null), 2], // 23 }' [/*24*/ (a) => a, 1], [/*25*/ (b, c, a = [1, 2, 4].map((v) => "x,y")) => `hello`, 3], [/*26*/ (_ = 42) => console.log("test"), 1], // [ // /*27*/ (a = `\(42\)`, b = `"blablabla,\",\"foo,\",\"bar"`) => // console.log("test"), // 2, // ], [ /*28*/ (a = `([42, 43]\``, b = `"blablabla, foo(, \`\'bar:))"`) => console.log("test"), 2, ], [ /*29*/ ( a = `\([42, 43]\)`, b = function (a, b, c = "foo, also: bar") { let x = [a, b]; return x; } ) => console.log("test"), 2, ], [ /*30*/ ( a = { x: 'some" comma\'s, unclosed brackets, }},[, (, and escapes and whatnot"\\', }, b ) => console.log("test"), 2, ], ]; for (const [func, all] of tests) { it(`correct counting of: ${_extractArgumentsPartFromFunction( func )}`, function () { const res = countArguments(func); assert.equal(, all, `Expecting static - parameters to ${all} to match ${}` ); }); } }); describe("auto-fill", function () { function test(p1, p2, p3 = null, p4 = null) { return [p1, p2, p3, p4]; } const tests: Array<[any[], any[], boolean, any[]]> = [ [[0, 1], [], false, [0, 1, undefined, undefined]], [[0, 1], [2], false, [0, 1, 2, undefined]], [[0, 1], [3], true, [0, 1, undefined, 3]], [[0, 1], [2, 3], false, [0, 1, 2, 3]], [[0, 1], [2, 3], true, [0, 1, 2, 3]], ]; for (const params of tests) { it(`auto assigning parameters of: ${params.slice(0, 3)}`, function () { const p = fillOptionalArguments(test, params[0], params[1], params[2]); const r = params[3]; assert.deepEqual( p, r, `Expecting static - parameters to ${p} to match ${r}` ); const res = => { if (item === undefined) { return null; } else return item; }); assert.deepEqual( (test as any)(...p), res, `Expecting the result to be equal ${p} to match ${res}` ); }); } }); });