Fixing Browser and adding waitfor

This commit is contained in:
Martin Karkowski 2021-09-17 09:14:55 +02:00
parent 40372ffc13
commit e426ce516e
2 changed files with 158 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -18,3 +18,160 @@ export function sleep(delay: number): Promise<void> {
export function isAsyncFunction(func: (...args) => any): boolean {
return === "AsyncFunction";
* Function which will halt the Process until the Testcallback deliveres "true"
* @export
* @param {(() => boolean | Promise<boolean>)} testCallback Function which is used to periodically test the State
* @param {{ testFirst?: boolean; maxRetries?: number, timeout?: number, maxTimeout?: number }} [options={}] Options to enhance the
* @returns
export function waitFor(testCallback: () => boolean | Promise<boolean>, options: { initialWait?: number, testFirst?: boolean; maxRetries?: number, timeout?: number, maxTimeout?: number, additionalDelay?: number } = {}): Promise<void> {
const _options = Object.assign({
testFirst: true,
timeout: 50
}, options);
const _isAsync = isAsyncFunction(testCallback);
if (_isAsync) {
return new Promise<void>(async (resolve, reject) => {
if (options.initialWait) {
await sleep(options.initialWait);
let _resolve: () => void;
if (_options.additionalDelay) {
_resolve = () => setTimeout(resolve, _options.additionalDelay);
} else {
_resolve = resolve;
try {
if (_options.testFirst && await testCallback()) {
} else {
let retryCounter = 0;
let timeout: any | null = null;
let interval: any | null = null;
// If there is a Timeout, define a Timeout Function, which will
// Throw an Error on Timeout.
if (_options.maxTimeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(async () => {
if (interval) {
reject(new Error("Wait has been Timeout"));
}, _options.maxTimeout);
// Define a Testfunction, which will periodically test whether the condition is
// fullfield or not. Internally it counts the number of retries, if the max allowed
// number of retries has been reached => Throw an Error
interval = setInterval(async () => {
try {
if (_options.maxRetries && retryCounter > _options.maxRetries) {
reject(new RangeError("Max Retries has been reached"));
} else if (await testCallback()) {
// Clear out the Interval
// If there is a Timeout clear it as well;
if (timeout) {
retryCounter += 1;
} catch (err) {
} catch (e) {
} else {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
const _func = () => {
let _resolve: () => void;
if (_options.additionalDelay) {
_resolve = () => setTimeout(resolve, _options.additionalDelay);
} else {
_resolve = resolve;
try {
if (_options.testFirst && testCallback()) {
if (_options.additionalDelay) {
setTimeout(resolve, _options.additionalDelay);
} else {
} else {
let retryCounter = 0;
let timeout: any | null = null;
let interval: any | null = null;
// If there is a Timeout, define a Timeout Function, which will
// Throw an Error on Timeout.
if (_options.maxTimeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(async () => {
if (interval) {
reject(new Error("Wait has been Timeout"));
}, _options.maxTimeout);
// Define a Testfunction, which will periodically test whether the condition is
// fullfield or not. Internally it counts the number of retries, if the max allowed
// number of retries has been reached => Throw an Error
interval = setInterval(() => {
try {
if (_options.maxRetries && retryCounter > _options.maxRetries) {
reject(new RangeError("Max Retries has been reached"));
} else if (testCallback()) {
// Clear out the Interval
// If there is a Timeout clear it as well;
if (timeout) {
retryCounter += 1;
} catch (err) {
} catch (e) {
if (options.initialWait) {
setTimeout(_func, options.initialWait);
} else {

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
* @desc [description]
export { ILogger } from "js-logger";
export { getLogerAsEventEmitter, TCallback, TCallbackWithLevel, useEventLogger } from "./eventLogging";
export { getCentralNopeLogger, getNopeLogger } from "./getLogger";
export { LoggerLevel, LoggerLevels } from "./nopeLogger";