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2020-08-30 07:45:44 +00:00
* @author Martin Karkowski
* @email
* @create date 2020-08-25 15:20:02
* @modify date 2020-08-25 15:36:41
* @desc [description]
import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises';
import { interfaces } from 'inversify';
import { join, resolve } from 'path';
import "reflect-metadata";
import { createPath, exists, listFiles } from '../../../lib/helpers/fileMethods';
import { SystemLogger } from '../../mod-Logger/src/Unique.Logger';
import { DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, DEFAULT_SEARCHPATH, FILE_ENDING } from '../constants/constants';
import { IDescriptor } from '../type/interfaces';
* Function to List the Assemblies.
* @param path
export async function listAssemblies(path: string = DEFAULT_SEARCHPATH) {
const _loadedAssemblieFiles = new Array<any>();
/** Scan for assembly Files and add them if necessary */
for (const _fileName of await listFiles(path, FILE_ENDING)) {
/** Load the Assembly to Verify whether it was already manual loaded into the Container */
try {
const _assembly = await import(resolve(_fileName));
name: _assembly.NAME,
path: resolve(_fileName),
requires: _assembly.REQUIRE || []
} catch (e) {
SystemLogger.logger.getLogger('cotainer-builder', 'debug').error(e, 'Failed Loading the Assembly ' + _fileName);
return _loadedAssemblieFiles;
* Function to Load the Assemblies.
* @param _assemblies
export async function loadAssemblies(_assemblies: Array<{ name: string, path: string, requires: Array<string> }>): Promise<
name: string,
path: string,
requires: Array<string>,
export: Array<IDescriptor>,
handlers: [(context: interfaces.Context, instance: any) => any]
> {
for (const _assembly of _assemblies) {
const _load = (await import(resolve(_assembly.path)));
_assembly['export'] = _load.EXPORT;
_assembly['handlers'] = _load.REQUIREDACTIVATIONHANDLERS || [];
//@ts-ignore Members are added
return _assemblies;
* Function to write the default Config.
* @export
* @returns
export async function writeDefaultConfig(_pathToFile: string = '') {
/** List all Files which are used to describe an assembly */
const _assemblies = await listAssemblies(DEFAULT_SEARCHPATH);
/** Create the File Name */
const _dirName = join(resolve(process.cwd()), 'config');
let _fileName = join(await createPath(_dirName), DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE);
/** If a Path is given use this Path instead*/
if (_pathToFile) {
_fileName = _pathToFile;
let _config = {};
/** Check if a Config exists => If So Extend the given config */
if (await exists(_fileName)) {
_config = JSON.parse(await readFile(_fileName, { encoding: 'utf-8' }));
/** Store the Config */
_config['assemblies'] = _assemblies;
/** Write the new Configuration */
await writeFile(_fileName, JSON.stringify(_config, undefined, 4));
SystemLogger.logger.getLogger('cotainer-builder', 'debug').info('Writing new Assembly config in' + _fileName);
/** Return the created Filename */
return _fileName;
* Function to write the User Config
export async function writeUserConfig() {
/** List all Files which are used to describe an assembly */
const _assemblies = await listAssemblies(DEFAULT_SEARCHPATH);
// Import Inquirer and the Fuzzy-Path Module
const inquirer = require('inquirer');
inquirer.registerPrompt('path', require('inquirer-fuzzy-path'))
const nameInput = {
type: 'input',
name: 'fileName',
message: "Enter the Configuration File Name",
validate: function (value: string) {
if (value.endsWith('.json')) {
return true;
return 'Please add the Enter a Valid Filename (including .json)';
const files = {
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'elements',
message: "Select/Deselect the Assemblies",
choices: []
}; => {
checked: true
const result = await inquirer.prompt(
/** Create the File Name */
const _dirName = join(resolve(process.cwd()), 'config');
let _fileName = join(await createPath(_dirName), result.fileName);
let _config = {};
/** Check if a Config exists => If So Extend the given config */
if (await exists(_fileName)) {
_config = JSON.parse(await readFile(_fileName, { encoding: 'utf-8' }));
/** Store the Config */
_config['assemblies'] = _assemblies.filter(element => {
if (result.elements.includes( {
return element;
/** Write the new Configuration */
await writeFile(_fileName, JSON.stringify(_config, undefined, 4));
SystemLogger.logger.getLogger('cotainer-builder', 'debug').info('Writing new Assembly config in' + _fileName);
/** Return the created Filename */
return _fileName;