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2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
import { ClassDeclaration, Decorator, ExportedDeclarations, FunctionDeclaration, InterfaceDeclaration, MethodDeclaration, Node, PropertyDeclaration, SourceFile, Type } from "ts-morph";
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
export type TypeInformation = {
isBaseType: boolean;
baseType: string;
simplifiedType?: string;
simplifiedSubType?: string;
typeImports?: {
path: string;
identifier: string;
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
originalCode: string;
export type ModifierInformation = {
declaration: MethodDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration,
modifiers: string[],
isPublic: boolean,
isPrivate: boolean,
isProtected: boolean,
isReadonly: boolean,
export type ParameterInformation = ({
name: string;
originalCode: string;
index: number;
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
authorDescription: string;
isOptional: boolean;
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
} & TypeInformation);
export type MethodInformation = {
declaration: MethodDeclaration;
params: ParameterInformation[];
isAbstract: boolean;
name: string;
isAsync: boolean;
isGenerator: boolean;
isImplementation: boolean;
returnType: TypeInformation;
hasReturnType: boolean;
head: string;
authorDescription: string;
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
export type DecoratorInformation = {
declaration: MethodDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration | ClassDeclaration,
decoratorNames: string[],
decorators: Decorator[],
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
decoratorSettings: { [index: string]: { [index: string]: any } }
export type ImportMapping = {
mapping: {
[index: string]: {
importSrc: string;
alias?: string;
aliasToOriginal: {
[index: string]: string;
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
* Interface for the Analyzing Result
export interface IAnalyzeResult {
// Name of the Class
className: string,
// Decorators of the Class
classDecorator: DecoratorInformation,
// Methods of the Class
methods: (MethodInformation & DecoratorInformation)[],
// Properties of the Class
properties: (PropertyInformation & DecoratorInformation)[],
// Imports of the Class (contians external Files)
imports: {
content: string,
required: boolean,
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
export type PropertyInformation = ModifierInformation & TypeInformation & { name: string; declaration: PropertyDeclaration; };
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
* Helperfunction, used to extract a Mapping of imported Files. This allows the user to rename the interfaces
* to custom names. this will then be mapped to the original name
* @param file The Source File.
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
export function getImportsOfFile(file: SourceFile) {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
const mapping: {
[index: string]: {
// The Source that is used for importing the class.
importSrc: string,
// an alias for the classs
alias?: string,
} = {};
// Maps alias to original names
const aliasToOriginal: { [index: string]: string } = {};
// Filter the Imports, that only use named imports.
file.getImportDeclarations().filter(_import => _import.getNamedImports().length > 0).map(_import => {
// Extract the Name and loaded Module / Path.
return {
namespaces: _import.getNamedImports().map(_namedImport => {
// Store the Import with the File.
mapping[_namedImport.getName()] = {
importSrc: _import.getModuleSpecifierValue(),
// If an alias is used update the import.
if (_namedImport.getAliasNode()) {
mapping[_namedImport.getName()] = {
importSrc: _import.getModuleSpecifierValue(),
alias: _namedImport.getAliasNode().getText()
aliasToOriginal[_namedImport.getAliasNode().getText()] = _namedImport.getName();
return _namedImport.getName();
module: _import.getModuleSpecifierValue()
return { mapping, aliasToOriginal };
* Function to test if a class (cl) implements a specific interface named ifName.
* @param cl The Class
* @param ifName The Name of the Interface.
* @param aliasToOriginal Mapping of aliases to original imported names.
* @param caseSensitive Flag to toggle on / off the case sensitivity
export function isClassImplementingInterface(cl: ClassDeclaration, ifName: string, aliasToOriginal: { [index: string]: string }, caseSensitive = true) {
// Get the Implemented Interfaces of the Class.
let interfaces = getImplementedInterface(cl, aliasToOriginal);
// If the CaseSensitive is turned change all names to lowercase.
// although the requeste name
if (!caseSensitive) {
interfaces = => iface.toLocaleLowerCase());
ifName = ifName.toLowerCase();
// Return the test, whether the requested Interface name is
// included in the list of interfaces.
return interfaces.includes(ifName);
* Function to list all implemented interfaces
* @param cl the class descriptor
* @param aliasToOriginal Mapping of aliases to original imported names.
export function getImplementedInterface(cl: ClassDeclaration, aliasToOriginal: { [index: string]: string }) {
// Iterate over the implemented Interface and
// extract the interface names. If an alias for
// an interface is used => use the original name
// of the Interface => interfaces contains only
// the "original names" of the implemented interfaces
let interfaces = cl.getImplements().map(iface => {
const name = iface.getText();
if (typeof aliasToOriginal[name] === 'string') {
return aliasToOriginal[name]
return name;
// return the list with implemented interfaces.
return interfaces;
* Function, used to analyze the Type of a Prop / Parameter etc.
* @param node The node used to describe the element
* @param inputType The type
* @param text The textual representation.
function _getType(node: Node, inputType: Type, text: string) {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// Define return Properties.
let baseType = '';
let simplifiedType = '';
let simplifiedSubType = '';
let typeImports: { path: string, identifier: string }[] = [];
let originalCode = inputType.getText();
2020-08-21 14:49:48 +00:00
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// Test if the Type is a Base-Type.
if ((inputType.compilerType as any).intrinsicName) {
// Basic Type.
baseType = (inputType.compilerType as any).intrinsicName;
} else if (inputType.compilerType.symbol) {
// A complex Type like a Map etc.
baseType = inputType.compilerType.symbol.escapedName.toString();
// Regex to extrat the Imports with the corresponding type.
const externalTypes = /import\(.+?\)\.\w+/g;
const result = [...text.matchAll(externalTypes)];
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// Use the Regex to remove the Imports
const regex = /import\(.+?\)./g
simplifiedType = text.replace(regex, '');
// Only if the type isnt a function the result will be present:
if (result.length > 0) {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// Update the Imported Types.
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
typeImports.push( => {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
const text = item.toString();
// Regex, to extract the path of the Import.
const regex = /(?<=")(.*)(?=")/g;
const path = regex.exec(text)[0].toString();
// Get the corresponding Typ-Identifier
const identifier = text.split(').')[1];
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
return {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
2020-08-23 09:23:38 +00:00
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
} else if (Node.isFunctionDeclaration(node) || Node.isFunctionTypeNode(node) || Node.isFunctionLikeDeclaration(node)) {
2020-08-23 09:23:38 +00:00
baseType = "function";
// Iterate over the parameter
node.getParameters().map(parameter => {
const defintion = _getType(
if (!defintion.isBaseType) {
// Add the Elements to the Import.
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// Define the a Simplified Subtype.
simplifiedSubType = simplifiedType
if (simplifiedType.includes(baseType + '<') && simplifiedType[simplifiedType.length - 1] === '>') {
simplifiedSubType = simplifiedType.slice(baseType.length + '<'.length, simplifiedType.length - 1);
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// Define a Partial element of the Return-Value.
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
const ret: TypeInformation = {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
isBaseType: !!(inputType.compilerType as any).intrinsicName,
2020-08-23 09:23:38 +00:00
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// Add the Additional elements if required.
if (!ret.isBaseType) {
ret.simplifiedType = simplifiedType;
ret.simplifiedSubType = simplifiedSubType;
ret.typeImports = typeImports;
// Return the Type.
return ret;
* Function to test, whether a Function is defined as a specific type.
* @param prop The Property Declaration
* @param reqType The requested Type, that should be matched
* @param caseSensitive A Flage to use casesesitivy during the checkoup
export function isPropOfType(prop: PropertyDeclaration, reqType: string, caseSensitive = true) {
if (!caseSensitive) {
return reqType.toLowerCase() === (getDescription(prop) as PropertyInformation).baseType.toLowerCase();
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
} else {
return reqType === (getDescription(prop) as PropertyInformation).baseType;
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
* Function get a Description of different Files.
* @param declaration The Declaration to analyze
export function getDescription(declaration: PropertyDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | FunctionDeclaration | MethodDeclaration | ExportedDeclarations): PropertyInformation | MethodInformation | TypeInformation {
let typeInformation: TypeInformation;
if (Node.isPropertyDeclaration(declaration)) {
typeInformation = _getType(
return Object.assign(
// Use the Modifiers
// Provide the Type Information.
// the Type Description
// And use the Propertiy Name.
name: declaration.getName(),
// Keep the declartion object as well
} else if (Node.isInterfaceDeclaration(declaration)) {
const typeImports: {
path: string,
identifier: string
}[] = [];
declaration.getProperties().map(p => {
let text = p.getType().getText();
const externalTypesRegex = /import\(.+?\)\.\w+/g;
const externalTypes = [...text.matchAll(externalTypesRegex)];
for (const externalType of externalTypes) {
const section = externalType.toString();
const regexType = /import\(.+?\)./g;
const identifier = section.replace(regexType, '');
const regexPath = /(?<=import\(").+?(?="\).)/g;
const path = [...section.matchAll(regexPath)][0].toString();
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// // Define a Partial element of the Return-Value.
const ret: TypeInformation = {
isBaseType: false,
baseType: declaration.getName(),
originalCode: declaration.getText(),
2020-08-23 09:23:38 +00:00
// Return the Type.
return ret;
2020-08-23 09:23:38 +00:00
} else if (Node.isParameterDeclaration(declaration)) {
} else if (Node.isMethodDeclaration(declaration)) {
const isAbstract = declaration.isAbstract();
const name = declaration.getName();
const isGenerator = declaration.isGenerator();
const isImplementation = declaration.isImplementation();
const retTypeObj = declaration.getReturnType();
const returnType = _getType(
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
const hasReturnType = returnType.simplifiedSubType !== 'void';
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
// Use the Regex to remove the Imports from the Head
const regex = /import\(.+?\)./g
// Define the Head
let head = declaration.getType().getText().replace(regex, '');
head = head.slice(0, head.length - ('=> ' + returnType.simplifiedType).length)
// Extract the Description of the Author.
const authorDescription = declaration.getLeadingCommentRanges().map(comment => comment.getText()).join('\n');
// Flag if the Function is Performed Async. (this is achieved by retruning a promise or adding an async tag in the beginning)
const isAsync = declaration.isAsync() || returnType.baseType == 'Promise';
// Extract the Parameters of the Function
const params: ParameterInformation[] = declaration.getParameters().map((parameter, index) => {
return Object.assign(
// Name of the parameter
name: parameter.getName(),
// The Originale Code
originalCode: parameter.getText(),
// The Index of the Parameter
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
// Extract the Information provided for the Parameter (If available.)
authorDescription: (parameter.getLeadingCommentRanges() || parameter.getTrailingCommentRanges()).map(comment => comment.getText()).join('\n'),
// Extract whether the Parameters is Optional or not.
isOptional: parameter.isOptional()
return {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
* Function to extract the Matching Properts
* @param cl The Class
* @param reqType The requested Type of the Element
* @param caseSensitive A Flage to use casesesitivy during the checkoup
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
export function getMatchingProperties(cl: ClassDeclaration): PropertyInformation[] {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
return cl.getProperties()
// Instead of returning the Property Declaration, return the
// Property Descriptor.
propertyDeclaration => getDescription(propertyDeclaration) as PropertyInformation
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
* Function to extract the Decorator settings of the defined type.
* @param declaration The declaration to test.
* @param decorator The decorator, that should be used.
* @param aliasToOriginal Mapping of aliases to original imported names.
* @param caseSensitive Turn off / on case sensitive for the checked decorator
* @param extractArgs Turn off / on extracting the Arguments of the Decorator.
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
export function getDecorators(declaration: MethodDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration | ClassDeclaration, decorator: string, aliasToOriginal: { [index: string]: string }, caseSensitive = true, extractArgs = true) {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// Define the Returntype.
const ret: DecoratorInformation = {
decoratorNames: [],
decoratorSettings: {},
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
decorators: []
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
if (!caseSensitive) {
decorator = decorator.toLowerCase();
ret.decorators = declaration.getDecorators()
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
.filter(usedDecorator => {
// Get the Name of the Decorator
let nameOfDecorator = usedDecorator.getName();
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
// Let CaseSensitive or not
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
if (!caseSensitive) {
nameOfDecorator = nameOfDecorator.toLowerCase();
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
if (extractArgs) {
// Try to extract the arguments of the Decorator (doest work on none static object / elements)
const _arguments = usedDecorator.getArguments();
if (_arguments.length > 0) { => {
// Parse the Text
const text = a.getText();
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
// Bad Practice. Create the Code create Function that will create the Object.
try {
ret.decoratorSettings[nameOfDecorator] = eval('() => { return ' + text + '}')();
} catch (e) {
// Failed to Parse
} else {
// ret.decoratorSettings[nameOfDecorator] = null
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// If the Decorator uses an alias => return
// the test with the original name of the decorator.
if (typeof aliasToOriginal[nameOfDecorator] === 'string') {
return decorator === aliasToOriginal[nameOfDecorator]
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
2020-08-21 14:49:48 +00:00
return decorator === nameOfDecorator;
2020-08-21 14:49:48 +00:00
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
ret.decoratorNames = => d.getName())
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
return ret;
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
* Function to test if the Property is injected or not.
* @param prop The Property Declaration
* @param decorator The decorator, that should be used.
* @param aliasToOriginal Mapping of aliases to original imported names.
* @param caseSensitive Turn off / on case sensitive for the checked decorator
export function isPropertyInjectedWith(prop: PropertyDeclaration, decorator: string, aliasToOriginal: { [index: string]: string }, caseSensitive = true) {
if (!caseSensitive) {
decorator = decorator.toLowerCase();
let decorators = getDecorators(prop, decorator, aliasToOriginal, caseSensitive, false);
return decorators.decorators.length > 0;
* Function to extrac the Modifiers of a declaration.
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
* @param declaration The Declartion of the Class
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
export function getModifiers(declaration: MethodDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration) {
// Dictionary used to match the Keywords
const dict = {
PublicKeyword: 'public',
ProtectedKeyword: 'protected',
PrivateKeyword: 'private',
0: ['public'],
4: ['public'],
8: ['private'],
16: ['protected'],
68: ['public', 'readonly'],
72: ['private', 'readonly'],
80: ['protected', 'readonly'],
let modifiers: string[] = [];
// Handle Methods
if ((declaration as MethodDeclaration).getOverloads) {
modifiers = (declaration as MethodDeclaration).getOverloads().map(overload => dict[overload.getName()]);
2020-08-21 14:49:48 +00:00
// Handle Properties
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
} else if ((declaration as PropertyDeclaration).getCombinedModifierFlags) {
modifiers = dict[(declaration as PropertyDeclaration).getCombinedModifierFlags()];
2020-08-21 14:49:48 +00:00
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
// If nothing is provided => Defaults to public
if (modifiers.length === 0) {
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
const ret: ModifierInformation = {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
isPublic: modifiers.includes('public'),
isPrivate: modifiers.includes('private'),
isProtected: modifiers.includes('protected'),
isReadonly: modifiers.includes('readonly'),
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
return ret;
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
* Method to create a Default Filter for Methods.
* @param options
export function defaultClassFilter(options: {
classDecorator: string,
classInterface: string,
}) {
return (cl: ClassDeclaration, importMapping: ImportMapping) => {
return (
options.classInterface === '' ||
isClassImplementingInterface(cl, options.classInterface, importMapping.aliasToOriginal)
) && (
options.classDecorator === '' ||
getDecorators(cl, options.classDecorator, importMapping.aliasToOriginal)
) as boolean
* Default Method for filtering Methods.
export function defaultMethodFilter() {
return (cl: ClassDeclaration, method: (MethodInformation & DecoratorInformation & ModifierInformation), importMapping: ImportMapping) => {
return method.isPublic && method.isAsync;
* Default Filter, to Filter Properties
* @param options The Options to use.
export function defaultPropFilter(options: {
propertyType: string,
propertyDecorator: string,
}) {
return (cl: ClassDeclaration, property: (PropertyInformation & DecoratorInformation & ModifierInformation), importMapping: ImportMapping) => {
return isPropOfType(property.declaration, options.propertyType, false) &&
property.isPublic &&
2020-08-21 21:55:04 +00:00
* Helper Function to List relevant classes with their corresponding elements
* @param sources The Source Files
* @param classDecorator Filter for the Class Decorators
* @param classInterface Interfaces that should be implemented by the class
* @param methodDecorator A Method-Decorator
* @param propertyType The requrired Type for the Property
* @param propertyDecorator The Decorator for the Property
export function analyzeClasses(sources: SourceFile[], options: {
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
filterClasses: (cl: ClassDeclaration, importMapping: ImportMapping) => boolean,
filterMethods: (cl: ClassDeclaration, method: (MethodInformation & DecoratorInformation & ModifierInformation), importMapping: ImportMapping) => boolean,
filterProperties: (cl: ClassDeclaration, property: (PropertyInformation & DecoratorInformation & ModifierInformation), importMapping: ImportMapping) => boolean,
classDecorator: string,
methodDecorator: string,
propertyDecorator: string,
}) {
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
const ret: {
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
className: string;
decorator: DecoratorInformation,
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
methods: (MethodInformation & DecoratorInformation & ModifierInformation)[];
properties: (PropertyInformation & DecoratorInformation & ModifierInformation)[];
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
}[] = [];
// Iterate over the Files:
2020-08-21 22:10:23 +00:00
for (const file of sources) {
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
// For Each File => Analyze the imported Files.
// Create a Mapping File for the Improts.
const importMapping = getImportsOfFile(file);
// After all Imports has been detected => filter for all Classes that implement the provided classDecorator
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
const relevantClasses = file.getClasses().filter(cl => options.filterClasses(cl, importMapping));
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
// Now after each class is known => ierate over the relevant classes
// and get their relevant Methods and Attributes.
for (const relevantClass of relevantClasses) {
// Extract the Methods.
const sharedMethodsOfClass = relevantClass.getMethods()
.map(method => getDecorators(method, options.methodDecorator, importMapping.aliasToOriginal))
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
.filter(methodObject => methodObject.decorators.length > 0);
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
// Parsed Method
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
const parsedMethods = sharedMethodsOfClass
.map(methodObject =>
getDescription(methodObject.declaration as MethodDeclaration) as MethodInformation,
getModifiers(methodObject.declaration as MethodDeclaration)
).filter(item => options.filterMethods(
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
// Get the Properties
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
const relevantProperties = getMatchingProperties(relevantClass)
.map(property =>
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
).filter(property => options.filterProperties(relevantClass, property, importMapping)
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
const item = {
decorator: getDecorators(
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
className: relevantClass.getName(),
methods: parsedMethods,
properties: relevantProperties
2020-08-19 22:14:07 +00:00
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00
return ret;
* Create a Mapping of Files. for simpler access.
* @param files
export function createFileMapping(files: SourceFile[]) {
// Define the Return type.
const ret: {
[index: string]: SourceFile
} = {};
for (const file of files) {
ret[file.getFilePath()] = file;
return ret;
* Function to extrac the Declaration by the Name of the Element
* @param files A File Mapping
* @param filePath The Relevant File
* @param identifier The Identifier of the Element, on which the Description should be extracted
* @param types Internal Object, used for recursion.
export function getDeclarationByName(files: { [index: string]: SourceFile }, filePath: string, identifier: string, types: { [index: string]: TypeInformation } = {}) {
// Make shur the File is named correctly.
if (!filePath.endsWith('.ts')) {
filePath = filePath + '.ts';
// Iterate over all files, to finde the correct one.
const file = files[filePath];
if (file) {
// Get all Declarations
const declarations = file.getExportedDeclarations();
// Get the Imports of the File.
const importMapping = getImportsOfFile(file);
// If the idenfifiert is know, go on otherwise throw an Error.
if (declarations.has(identifier)) {
const exportedDeclarations = declarations.get(identifier);
const typesToTest = => getDescription(e) as PropertyInformation | TypeInformation);
const recursiveTest = new Array<{
path: string, identifier: string
// Iterate as long, as there are elements to test
while (typesToTest.length > 0) {
// Get the Type.
const type = typesToTest.pop();
// Flag, indicating, whether the element has been imported or not
const isImported = importMapping.aliasToOriginal[type.baseType] !== undefined || importMapping.mapping[type.baseType] !== undefined;
// Flag, showing whether the element imports other Items or not.
const hasImport = type.typeImports && type.typeImports.length > 0;
// If the Element isnt imported => simply add the item Type
if (!isImported && types[type.originalCode] === undefined) {
types[type.originalCode] = type;
} else if (isImported && types[type.originalCode] === undefined) {
path: importMapping.mapping[type.baseType].importSrc,
identifier: type.baseType
if (hasImport) {{ path, identifier }) => {
// Push the Elements to the Reverse Test.
// Call this Function recursively.
for (const rec of recursiveTest) {
getDeclarationByName(files, rec.path, rec.identifier, types)
return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(types).map(key => types[key]);
throw Error('Declaration "' + filePath + '" not found');
* Function, that will create the imported Type classes based on source-Files.
* @param sourceFiles
* @param options Options, to Controll the generation.
export function analyzeFiles(sourceFiles: SourceFile[], options: {
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
filterClasses: (cl: ClassDeclaration, importMapping: ImportMapping) => boolean,
filterMethods: (cl: ClassDeclaration, method: (MethodInformation & DecoratorInformation & ModifierInformation), importMapping: ImportMapping) => boolean,
filterProperties: (cl: ClassDeclaration, property: (PropertyInformation & DecoratorInformation & ModifierInformation), importMapping: ImportMapping) => boolean,
checkImport: (type: string) => boolean,
classDecorator: string,
methodDecorator: string,
propertyDecorator: string,
} = {
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
classDecorator: 'exportsElementsToDispatcher',
methodDecorator: 'exportMethodToDispatcher',
propertyDecorator: 'exportPropertyToDispatcher',
filterClasses: defaultClassFilter({
classDecorator: 'exportsElementsToDispatcher',
classInterface: ''
filterMethods: defaultMethodFilter(),
filterProperties: defaultPropFilter({
propertyDecorator: 'exportPropertyToDispatcher',
propertyType: 'nopeObservable'
checkImport: type => type !== 'nopeObservable'
}) {
const fileMapping = createFileMapping(sourceFiles);
const classes = analyzeClasses(sourceFiles, options);
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
const ret: IAnalyzeResult[] = []
// Iterate over the Classes
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
for (const relevantClass of classes) {
const item: IAnalyzeResult = {
className: relevantClass.className,
classDecorator: relevantClass.decorator,
methods: [],
properties: [],
imports: {
content: '',
required: false
const requiredImports = new Set<string>();
const mappingTypeToImport: {
[index: string]: Set<string>
} = {}
// Iterate over the Properties
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
for (const prop of {
if (!prop.isBaseType) {
for (const { identifier, path } of (prop.typeImports || [])) {
// Only if the import isnt the Base Type, add it to the List.
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
if (options.checkImport(identifier)) {
// Check if the Imported Type has been Adden multiple Times.
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
if (mappingTypeToImport[identifier] === undefined) {
mappingTypeToImport[identifier] = new Set<string>();
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
// Iterate over the Methods
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
for (const method of relevantClass.methods) {
if (!method.returnType.isBaseType) {
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
for (const { identifier, path } of (method.returnType.typeImports || [])) {
// Only if the import isnt the Base Type, add it to the List.
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
if (options.checkImport(identifier)) {
// Check if the Imported Type has been Adden multiple Times.
if (mappingTypeToImport[identifier] === undefined) {
mappingTypeToImport[identifier] = new Set<string>();
// Iterate over the Parameters and extract
// the required elements. (If they arent base
// types).
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
for (const parm of method.params) {
if (!parm.isBaseType) {
for (const { identifier, path } of (parm.typeImports || [])) {
// Only if the import isnt the Base Type, add it to the List.
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
if (options.checkImport(identifier)) {
// Check if the Imported Type has been Adden multiple Times.
if (mappingTypeToImport[identifier] === undefined) {
mappingTypeToImport[identifier] = new Set<string>();
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
item.imports.content = '';
item.imports.required = requiredImports.size > 0;
// List containing the already used Types
const importedBaseTypes = new Set<string>();
// Iterate over the Imports
for (const reqType of requiredImports) {
if (mappingTypeToImport[reqType] && mappingTypeToImport[reqType].size === 1) {
// Extract the Path of the File
const pathToFile = Array.from(mappingTypeToImport[reqType].values())[0] + '.ts';
const declarations = getDeclarationByName(fileMapping, pathToFile, reqType).filter(item => !importedBaseTypes.has(item.baseType)); => importedBaseTypes.add(item.baseType));
item.imports.content += =>
2020-08-24 11:35:12 +00:00
(prev, current, idx) => item.imports.content.length === 0 && idx === 0 ? current : prev + '\n\n' + current, ''
} else if (mappingTypeToImport[reqType].size > 1) {
// Multiple Items are using the Same Name.
// Return the Type.
return ret;
2020-08-21 21:50:41 +00:00