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2020-11-15 19:11:25 +00:00
# Pub Sub System - Publish and Subscribe System
The Pub-Sub-System is a basic Publish and Subscribe System. A Pub-Sub System consists of 3 Main Elements:
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- Publishers
- Subscribers
- Broker
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Whereas Publishers publishes data on a given Topic, Subscribers receives updates of the data of a subscribed Topic. Topics are used as a Base to share data. For instance, if a Sensor publishes its value on the Topic `Room1.Temperature` every subscribtion which subscribes to `Room1` or `Room1.Temperature` will receive the updated Value. By unsubscribing, a Subscriber doesn't receive Updates anymore. Thereby, the Publish-and-Subscribe mechanism ensure, a loose coupleing between the Elements and scalability.
Summarized Attributes of a Pub-Sub-System
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- A Publisher doesn't know its subscribers
- A Subscriber doesn't kown the Publisher(s)
- Different Publishers are able to Publish data on the same Topic
- Broker are responsible for sharing data and subscriptions etc.
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## Description of the Implementation
The Basic Pub-Sub-System which is based on a Binary Tree-Model. For Instance, there are Publishers for the following Topics:
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- `Root.Topic1`
- `Root.Topic2`
- `Root.Topic2.Part1`
- `Root.Topic2.Part2`
- `Root.Topic2.Part3`
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Thereby the **Tree** is build up like that.
/ \
/ \
(Topic1) (Topic2)
/ | \
/ | \
(Part1) | (Part2)
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Data of Topics are shared only to its '_Super-Topics_' and '_Child-Topics_' (see the Examples)
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### Example 1 - Publishing data on `Root/Topic2`
If a Publisher of the Topic `Root.Topic2` publishes an update, the Subscribe of the following Topics receives an update.
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- `Root`
- `Root.Topic2`
- `Root.Topic2.Part1`
- `Root.Topic2.Part2`
- `Root.Topic2.Part3`
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Thereby each element gets the new Data in the following format:
> **Example-Data:** `{ Part1 : 1, Part2 : 'test', Part3 : 1.337 }` is published on the Topic `Root/Topic2`
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| Topic | Received Data of the Subscription in **_JSON-Notation_** |
| --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Root` | `{ Topic1: 'someData', Topic2 : { Part1 : 1, Part2 : 'test', Part3 : [1.337, 1.338] } }` |
| `Root.Topic2` | `{ Part1 : 1, Part2 : 'test', Part3 : 1.337 }` |
| `Root.Topic2.Part1` | `1` |
| `Root.Topic2.Part2` | `'test'` |
| `Root.Topic2.Part3` | `[1.337, 1.338]` |
| `Root.Topic2.Part3.0` | `1.337` |
| `Root.Topic2.Part3.1` | `1.338` |
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> Subscriber of the Topic `Root.Topic1` doesn't receive Updates.
### Example 2 - Publishing data on `Root.Topic2.Part3`
If a Publisher of the Topic `Root.Topic2.Part3` publishes an update, the Subscribe of the following Topics receives an update.
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- `Root`
- `Root.Topic2`
- `Root.Topic2.Part3`
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Thereby each element gets the new Data in the following format:
> **Example-Data:** `[1234, 1.338]` is published on the Topic `Root.Topic2.Part3`
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| Topic | Received Data of the Subscription in **_JSON-Notation_** |
| --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Root` | `{ Topic1: 'someData', Topic2 : { Part1 : 1, Part2 : 'test', Part3 : [1234, 1.338] } }` |
| `Root.Topic2` | `{ Part1 : 1, Part2 : 'test', Part3 : [1234, 1.338] }` |
| `Root.Topic2.Part3` | `[1234, 1.338]` |
| `Root.Topic2.Part3.0` | `1234` |
| `Root.Topic2.Part3.1` | `1.338` No Update will be Pusblished, cause the value didn't change |
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> Subscriber of the Topic `Root.Topic1`, `Root.Topic2.Part1`, `Root.Topic2.Part3.1` and `Root.Topic2.Part2` doesn't receive Updates, cause their values didn't change.
## Technical Implementation
The Pub-Sub-System is build up with a Base-Node-Container. This Container is responsible to create (if necessary) new Topics on which a Subscription could be subscribe or data could be published. Based on all available Subscriptions published Data send to the corresponding Subscriptions.
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- No multiple Pub-Sub-Systems at a Time, otherwise an exception is thrown.
- **Subscribers must unsubscribe** if the should not listening any more. For Instance pause/deactivate or dispose an specific Object. (use the `unregister` function of a Subscribtion)
- Subscriptions could be activated again by calling `register`
- Subscriptions are automatically active.
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## Observables
Observables allow a simple integration of attributes of an object. Therefore the `IObserveable<T>` interface is used.
### Example - Integrate an Observable
To use an Observable the following code must be used, where as `TYPE` describes the data type like `number`, `string`, etc.
public attributeName: PUBSUB.Observable<TYPE>;
Furthermore the Class containing the observable attribute **must** implement the **`IContainsObservables`-Interface**, as presented in the example below:
/** Import the Pub-Sub-System (Path must be adapted) */
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import * as PUBSUB from "Pub-Sub-System/assembly/manual-assembly";
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/** Define a Class containing an observable @see attribute_01 */
class TestClass implements IContainsObservables {
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/** Values of the IOnlineValues - Interface */
path: string = "";
offeredTopics: Map<string, GenericObservable<any>>;
* Defining the Attribute which should be integrated into the Publish
* and Subscribe System. The value should be a 'number'
* @type {PUBSUB.Observer<number>}
* @memberof TestClass
public attribute_01: PUBSUB.Observable<number>;
* Creates an instance of TestClass.
* @memberof TestClass
constructor() {
/** Set a Values - That must be done during the construction */
this.path = "";
this.offeredTopics = new Map<string, GenericObservable<any>>();
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### Working with Observables
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By default observables publish their content on an automatically generated Topic. This topic could be adapted and read with the `path` - attibute of an Observable.
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#### Subscribing to Changes
To subscribe to changes of an obserable simply use the metho `subscribe`. You can determine whether the subscription should receive the information `async` (Putting task on the next Tick of the Nodejs / JavaScript Eventloop) or `sync` (immediately).
The Following Parameters are used:
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| Param | Type | Default | Description |
| ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| func | [<code>subscriptionCallback</code>](#subscriptionCallback) | | Function which is called when new Datas are pushed |
| [mode] | `'sync'` \ `'immediate'` | `'sync'` | Mode of the Subscription |
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**Returns**: <code>ISubscription</code> - The corresponding Subscription
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whereas the <code>subscriptionCallback</code> is defined as:
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| Param | Type | Description |
| ----------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| content | <code>any</code> | The new Data |
| [topic] | <code>string</code> | The Topic on which the Data where from |
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| [timeStamp] | <code>number</code> | The timeStamp on which the data where changed |
**Returns** - <code>void</code>
##### Example
/** Simplified Construction of the Object */
const _test = new TestClass();
/** Subscribe to changes of the attribute */
_test.attribute_01.subscribe((_num, _topic) => {
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console.log("subscription on", _topic, ". Value changed to:", _num);
}, "sync");
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/** Change the Value of the observable => Subscription will be triggered */
_test.attribute_01.value = 1337;
#### Changing Values and reading values
The value of an observable could be changed with the `value` attribute of an observable
/** Simplified Construction of the Object */
const _test = new TestClass();
/** Change the Value of the observable => Subscription will be triggered */
_test.attribute_01.value = 1337;
/** Reading a Value */
const _aVar = _test.attribute_01.value;
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### Sample Application
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2021-08-04 12:57:28 +00:00
import { Builder } from "../../mod-Assembly-Builder/src/Container-Builder.FileLoader";
import { DESCRIPTION, PubSubSystem } from "../assembly/manual-assembly";
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2021-08-04 12:57:28 +00:00
2020-11-15 19:11:25 +00:00
2021-08-04 12:57:28 +00:00
Builder.on("loaded", () => {
// Create a Publish and Subscribe System
const _pubSub = Builder.instance.container.get<PubSubSystem>(
// Create a Subscription on the topic: "test.topic"
const _sub = _pubSub.createSubscription<any>(
(_data, _topic, _timestamp) => {
console.log("received with inform", _data);
// Create a Publisher and Publish "1" on a Subtopic
// Change the Subscription Mode.
_sub.options.mode = ["direct"];
// The following Subscription will be now ignored
2020-11-15 19:11:25 +00:00
Results in the Output
Changing Value to 1337
Calling Subscription of root._id8ebg4qDkQjjx the 0'th time. Value changed to: 1337
Adding Setter
Changing Value to 133123
In Setter of the attribute_01
Calling Subscription of root._id8ebg4qDkQjjx the 1'th time. Value changed to: 100
Reading after setter 100
Changing Path
Changing Value to 1337
In Setter of the attribute_01
In Setter of the attribute_01
Calling Subscription of root._test.attribute_01 the 2'th time. Value changed to: 100
create Link with Pub-Sub-System
plublish 1336 on _test.attribute_01
In Setter of the attribute_01
Calling Subscription of root._test.attribute_01 the 3'th time. Value changed to: 1336
plublish 1336 on _test.attribute_01
Calling Subscription of root._test.attribute_01 the 4'th time. Value changed to: 1336