How to make your own: --------------------- Watch / read this first: * The last two videos should be helpful for how to create a custom .emp file from images. * If you use linux (which you should), you don't have to use the online-scaler. Just use the scripts! --- * Create a folder to hold your new footprint library. * Copy the scripts '' and '' into that folder. * Make sure these files are executable (chmod u+x ...). * Copy your custom .emp file into that foler. * Run the '' script as follows: ./ input-file.emp lib-name.mod START END START and END are placeholders for positive integer numbers (1,2,3...) that determine the range of created footprint sizes. The units are metric (mm). The 'lib-name.mod' file will show up in the 'lib' sub-folder. Add it to your pcbnew library settings as usual. Footprints that are created for back-layers are automagically mirrored horizontally. To place them onto a back-layer, hover the mouse-pointer over them and press 'f' for 'flip'.