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IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // // driver functions to access peripherals on the LoRaMote (Blipper) board // #include "hw.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Altimeter, Thermometer and Pressure sensor MPL3115A2 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MPL3115A2_ADDR (0x60<<1) #define MPL3115A2_CTRL_REG1 0x26 #define MPL3115A2_CTRL_REG1_SBYB_ACTIVE 0x81 // (ALT|ACTIVE) #define MPL3115A2_OUT_P_MSB 0x01 #define MPL3115A2_OUT_T_MSB 0x04 // init temperature reading on Freescale's MPL3115A2 sensor void blipper_temp_init() { u1_t buf[2] = { MPL3115A2_CTRL_REG1, MPL3115A2_CTRL_REG1_SBYB_ACTIVE }; i2c_xfer(MPL3115A2_ADDR, buf, 2, 0); // write 2, read 0 } // read temperature from Freescale's MPL3115A2 sensor // // The DR_STATUS register, OUT_P_MSB, OUT_P_CSB, OUT_P_LSB, OUT_T_MSB, // and OUT_T_LSB are stored in the auto-incrementing address range of // 0x00 to 0x05. This allows the host controller to read the status // register followed by the 20-bit Pressure/Altitude and 12-bit // Temperature in a 6 byte I2C transaction. u2_t blipper_temp_read() { u1_t buf[2] = { MPL3115A2_OUT_T_MSB }; // read reg OUT_T_MSB, OUT_T_LSB i2c_xfer(MPL3115A2_ADDR, buf, 1, 2); // write 1, read 2 return buf[0]<<8 | buf[1]; } // read altitude from Freescale's MPL3115A2 sensor // // The Altitude data is arranged as 20-bit 2’s complement value in meters. // The data is stored as meters with the 16 bits of OUT_P_MSB and OUT_P_CSB // and with fractions of a meter stored in bits 7-4 of OUT_P_LSB. // Be aware that the fractional bits are not signed, therefore, // they are not represented in 2’s complement. s2_t blipper_alt_read() { u1_t buf[2] = { MPL3115A2_OUT_P_MSB }; // read reg OUT_P_MSB, OUT_P_CSB i2c_xfer(MPL3115A2_ADDR, buf, 1, 2); // write 1, read 2 return buf[0]<<8 | buf[1]; } // format temp value as 5-digit string "+99.9" // // The Temperature data is arranged as 12-bit 2's complement // value in degrees C. The 8 bits of OUT_T_MSB representing // degrees and with fractions of a degree are stored in 4 bits // in position 7-4 of OUT_T_LSB. Be aware that the fractional // bits are not signed, therefore, they are not represented in // 2's complement. When RAW is selected then the RAW value is // stored in all 16 bits of OUT_T_MSB and OUT_T_LSB void blipper_temp_str(u2_t temp, u1_t* str) { u1_t t1 = temp >> 8; u1_t t2 = temp & 0xFF; if(t1 & 0x80) { str[0] = '-'; t1 = 256 - t1; } else { str[0] = '+'; } str[2] = (t1 % 10) + '0'; t1 /= 10; str[1] = (t1!=0) ? (t1 + '0') : ' '; str[3] = '.'; str[4] = (t2>>4)*10/16 + '0'; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3-Axis Accelerometer sensor MMA8451Q ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MMA8451Q_ADDR (0x1C<<1) #define MMA8451Q_CTRL_REG1 0x2A #define MMA8451Q_CTRL_REG1_ACTIVE 0x01 #define MMA8451Q_STATUS 0x00 // init accelerometer reading from Freescale's MMA8451Q sensor void blipper_accel_init (void) { u1_t buf[2] = { MMA8451Q_CTRL_REG1, MMA8451Q_CTRL_REG1_ACTIVE }; i2c_xfer(MMA8451Q_ADDR, buf, 2, 0); // write 2, read 0 } // read accelaration from Freescale's MMA8451Q sensor (0xSSXXYYZZ) // // The measured acceleration data is stored in the OUT_X_MSB, // OUT_X_LSB, OUT_Y_MSB, OUT_Y_LSB, OUT_Z_MSB, and OUT_Z_LSB registers // as 2's complement 14-bit numbers. The most significant 8-bits of // each axis are stored in OUT_X (Y , Z)_MSB, so applications needing // only 8-bit results can use these 3 registers and ignore OUT_X,Y , // Z_LSB. To do this, the F_READ bit in CTRL_REG1 must be set. When // the F_READ bit is cleared, the fast read mode is disabled. u4_t blipper_accel_read (void) { u1_t buf[7] = { MMA8451Q_STATUS }; // read reg STATUS, X, X, Y, Y, Z, Z i2c_xfer(MMA8451Q_ADDR, buf, 1, 7); // write 1, read 7 return buf[0]<<24 | buf[1]<<16 | buf[3]<<8 | buf[5]; // (0xSSXXYYZZ) } // format acceleration value as 5-digit string "+0.00" // // When the full-scale is set to 2g, the measurement range is -2g to // +1.99975g, and each count corresponds to 1g/4096 (0.25 mg) at 14-bits // resolution. When the full-scale is set to 8g, the measurement range // is -8g to +7.999g, and each count corresponds to 1g/1024 (0.98 mg) // at 14-bits resolution. The resolution is reduced by a factor of 64 // if only the 8-bit results are used. For more information on the // data manipulation between data formats and modes, refer to // Freescale application. void blipper_accel_str (u1_t acc, u1_t* str) { if(acc & 0x80) { str[0] = '-'; acc = 256 - acc; } else { str[0] = '+'; } u2_t g = acc*200/128; // map values 0..127 to 0..200 (0..2g) str[4] = (g % 10) + '0'; g /= 10; str[3] = (g % 10) + '0'; g /= 10; str[2] = '.'; str[1] = (g % 10) + '0'; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IO Expander SX1509 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RegDirB RegDirA // B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 // 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 // IN YE GR RE IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 0x8F 0xFF #define SX1509_ADDR (0x3E<<1) #define SX1509_RegDirB 0x0E #define SX1509_RegDirA 0x0F #define SX1509_RegDataB 0x10 #define SX1509_RegDataA 0x11 // initialize SX1509 IO expander void blipper_ioexp_init (u2_t dir, u2_t data) { u1_t buf[5] = { SX1509_RegDirB }; if(dir == 0x0000) { // use default dir = 0x8FFF; // direction of LEDs OUT, all other IN data = 0x7000; // output values for LEDs HIGH (OFF) } buf[1] = dir >> 8; buf[2] = dir; buf[3] = data >> 8; buf[4] = data; i2c_xfer(SX1509_ADDR, buf, 5, 0); // write 5, read 0 } // get pin states of IO expander u2_t blipper_ioexp_read (void) { u1_t buf[2] = { SX1509_RegDataB }; i2c_xfer(SX1509_ADDR, buf, 1, 2); // write 1, read 2 return buf[0]<<8 | buf[1]; } // set pin states of IO expander void blipper_ioexp_write (u2_t data) { u1_t buf[3] = { SX1509_RegDataB, data >> 8, data }; i2c_xfer(SX1509_ADDR, buf, 3, 0); // write 3, read 0 } // get LED state (no 0-2) u1_t blipper_led_get (u1_t no) { return ((blipper_ioexp_read() & (1 << 12+no)) == 0); } // set LED state (no 0-2, mode 0=off, 1=on, 2=toggle) void blipper_led_set (u1_t no, u1_t mode) { u2_t state = blipper_ioexp_read(); u2_t mask = 1 << 12+no; switch(mode) { case 0: state |= mask; break; // off, set to high case 1: state &= ~mask; break; // on, set to low case 2: state ^= mask; break; // toggle, invert } blipper_ioexp_write(state); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 3-Axis Magnetometer sensor MAG3110 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TBD ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GPS module UP501 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TBD