To celebrate the news that the IBM Java MQTT client implementation will be released as open source, I've put together a simple Android example based on the [MQTT service code written by Dale Lane]. I'm a beginner at both Java and Android, so expect it to be a bit rough. The example displays incoming payload text on a text label. It's a complete project that you can build and install on your phone with only a few small changes - search for "CHANGE ME" in src/org/mosquitto/android/mqtt/ To get the project working, assuming you've already installed the android sdk, first get the IBM Java library (see ) and put it in <project dir>/lib then do the following: ``` android update project -p <path to project> # If the update complains about build.xml - delete it and run again cd <path to project> ant debug sudo adb start-server ant installd ``` I'll not be at all surprised if there are problems in the project due to different sdk or tool versions. Please comment if you find a problem. The project is available from . Until the IBM Java implementation is open source please be aware of the licence attached to it. Thanks to Dale for the core Android MQTT service implementation. [MQTT service code written by Dale Lane]: