# Source * [mosquitto-1.6.7.tar.gz](https://mosquitto.org/files/source/mosquitto-1.6.7.tar.gz) (319kB) ([GPG signature](https://mosquitto.org/files/source/mosquitto-1.6.7.tar.gz.asc)) * [Git source code repository](https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto) (github.com) Older downloads are available at [https://mosquitto.org/files/](../files/) # Binary Installation The binary packages listed below are supported by the Mosquitto project. In many cases Mosquitto is also available directly from official Linux/BSD distributions. ## Windows * [mosquitto-1.6.7-install-windows-x64.exe](https://mosquitto.org/files/binary/win64/mosquitto-1.6.7-install-windows-x64.exe) (~1.4 MB) (64-bit build, Windows Vista and up, built with Visual Studio Community 2017) * [mosquitto-1.6.7-install-windows-x32.exe](https://mosquitto.org/files/binary/win32/mosquitto-1.6.7-install-windows-x86.exe) (~1.4 MB) (32-bit build, Windows Vista and up, built with Visual Studio Community 2017) See also readme-windows.txt after installing. ## Mac Mosquitto can be installed from the homebrew project. See [brew.sh](https://brew.sh/) and then use `brew install mosquitto` ## Linux distributions with snap support * `snap install mosquitto` ## Debian * Mosquitto is now in Debian proper. There will be a short delay between a new release and it appearing in Debian as part of the normal Debian procedures. * There are also Debian repositories provided by the mosquitto project, as described at ## Raspberry Pi Mosquitto is available through the main repository. There are also Debian repositories provided by the mosquitto project, as described at ## Ubuntu Mosquitto is available in the Ubuntu repositories so you can install as with any other package. If you are on an earlier version of Ubuntu or want a more recent version of mosquitto, add the [mosquitto-dev PPA](https://launchpad.net/%7Emosquitto-dev/+archive/mosquitto-ppa/) to your repositories list - see the link for details. mosquitto can then be installed from your package manager. * `sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa` * `sudo apt-get update`