/* Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Roger Light All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. Contributors: Roger Light - initial implementation and documentation. */ #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_BROKER #include #endif #ifdef WITH_WEBSOCKETS #include #endif int _mosquitto_packet_alloc(struct _mosquitto_packet *packet) { uint8_t remaining_bytes[5], byte; uint32_t remaining_length; int i; assert(packet); remaining_length = packet->remaining_length; packet->payload = NULL; packet->remaining_count = 0; do{ byte = remaining_length % 128; remaining_length = remaining_length / 128; /* If there are more digits to encode, set the top bit of this digit */ if(remaining_length > 0){ byte = byte | 0x80; } remaining_bytes[packet->remaining_count] = byte; packet->remaining_count++; }while(remaining_length > 0 && packet->remaining_count < 5); if(packet->remaining_count == 5) return MOSQ_ERR_PAYLOAD_SIZE; packet->packet_length = packet->remaining_length + 1 + packet->remaining_count; #ifdef WITH_WEBSOCKETS packet->payload = _mosquitto_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*packet->packet_length + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING); #else packet->payload = _mosquitto_malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*packet->packet_length); #endif if(!packet->payload) return MOSQ_ERR_NOMEM; packet->payload[0] = packet->command; for(i=0; iremaining_count; i++){ packet->payload[i+1] = remaining_bytes[i]; } packet->pos = 1 + packet->remaining_count; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } #ifdef WITH_BROKER void _mosquitto_check_keepalive(struct mosquitto_db *db, struct mosquitto *mosq) #else void _mosquitto_check_keepalive(struct mosquitto *mosq) #endif { time_t last_msg_out; time_t last_msg_in; time_t now = mosquitto_time(); #ifndef WITH_BROKER int rc; #endif assert(mosq); #if defined(WITH_BROKER) && defined(WITH_BRIDGE) /* Check if a lazy bridge should be timed out due to idle. */ if(mosq->bridge && mosq->bridge->start_type == bst_lazy && mosq->sock != INVALID_SOCKET && now - mosq->last_msg_out >= mosq->bridge->idle_timeout){ _mosquitto_log_printf(NULL, MOSQ_LOG_NOTICE, "Bridge connection %s has exceeded idle timeout, disconnecting.", mosq->id); _mosquitto_socket_close(db, mosq); return; } #endif pthread_mutex_lock(&mosq->msgtime_mutex); last_msg_out = mosq->last_msg_out; last_msg_in = mosq->last_msg_in; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mosq->msgtime_mutex); if(mosq->keepalive && mosq->sock != INVALID_SOCKET && (now - last_msg_out >= mosq->keepalive || now - last_msg_in >= mosq->keepalive)){ if(mosq->state == mosq_cs_connected && mosq->ping_t == 0){ _mosquitto_send_pingreq(mosq); /* Reset last msg times to give the server time to send a pingresp */ pthread_mutex_lock(&mosq->msgtime_mutex); mosq->last_msg_in = now; mosq->last_msg_out = now; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mosq->msgtime_mutex); }else{ #ifdef WITH_BROKER if(mosq->listener){ mosq->listener->client_count--; assert(mosq->listener->client_count >= 0); } mosq->listener = NULL; _mosquitto_socket_close(db, mosq); #else _mosquitto_socket_close(mosq); pthread_mutex_lock(&mosq->state_mutex); if(mosq->state == mosq_cs_disconnecting){ rc = MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; }else{ rc = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mosq->state_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&mosq->callback_mutex); if(mosq->on_disconnect){ mosq->in_callback = true; mosq->on_disconnect(mosq, mosq->userdata, rc); mosq->in_callback = false; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mosq->callback_mutex); #endif } } } uint16_t _mosquitto_mid_generate(struct mosquitto *mosq) { assert(mosq); mosq->last_mid++; if(mosq->last_mid == 0) mosq->last_mid++; return mosq->last_mid; } /* Check that a topic used for publishing is valid. * Search for + or # in a topic. Return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL if found. * Also returns MOSQ_ERR_INVAL if the topic string is too long. * Returns MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS if everything is fine. */ int mosquitto_pub_topic_check(const char *str) { int len = 0; while(str && str[0]){ if(str[0] == '+' || str[0] == '#'){ return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; } len++; str = &str[1]; } if(len > 65535) return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } /* Check that a topic used for subscriptions is valid. * Search for + or # in a topic, check they aren't in invalid positions such as * foo/#/bar, foo/+bar or foo/bar#. * Return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL if invalid position found. * Also returns MOSQ_ERR_INVAL if the topic string is too long. * Returns MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS if everything is fine. */ int mosquitto_sub_topic_check(const char *str) { char c = '\0'; int len = 0; while(str && str[0]){ if(str[0] == '+'){ if((c != '\0' && c != '/') || (str[1] != '\0' && str[1] != '/')){ return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; } }else if(str[0] == '#'){ if((c != '\0' && c != '/') || str[1] != '\0'){ return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; } } len++; c = str[0]; str = &str[1]; } if(len > 65535) return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } /* Does a topic match a subscription? */ int mosquitto_topic_matches_sub(const char *sub, const char *topic, bool *result) { int slen, tlen; int spos, tpos; bool multilevel_wildcard = false; if(!sub || !topic || !result) return MOSQ_ERR_INVAL; slen = strlen(sub); tlen = strlen(topic); if(slen && tlen){ if((sub[0] == '$' && topic[0] != '$') || (topic[0] == '$' && sub[0] != '$')){ *result = false; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } } spos = 0; tpos = 0; while(spos < slen && tpos < tlen){ if(sub[spos] == topic[tpos]){ if(tpos == tlen-1){ /* Check for e.g. foo matching foo/# */ if(spos == slen-3 && sub[spos+1] == '/' && sub[spos+2] == '#'){ *result = true; multilevel_wildcard = true; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } } spos++; tpos++; if(spos == slen && tpos == tlen){ *result = true; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; }else if(tpos == tlen && spos == slen-1 && sub[spos] == '+'){ spos++; *result = true; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } }else{ if(sub[spos] == '+'){ spos++; while(tpos < tlen && topic[tpos] != '/'){ tpos++; } if(tpos == tlen && spos == slen){ *result = true; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } }else if(sub[spos] == '#'){ multilevel_wildcard = true; if(spos+1 != slen){ *result = false; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; }else{ *result = true; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } }else{ *result = false; return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } } } if(multilevel_wildcard == false && (tpos < tlen || spos < slen)){ *result = false; } return MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS; } #ifdef REAL_WITH_TLS_PSK int _mosquitto_hex2bin(const char *hex, unsigned char *bin, int bin_max_len) { BIGNUM *bn = NULL; int len; if(BN_hex2bn(&bn, hex) == 0){ if(bn) BN_free(bn); return 0; } if(BN_num_bytes(bn) > bin_max_len){ BN_free(bn); return 0; } len = BN_bn2bin(bn, bin); BN_free(bn); return len; } #endif FILE *_mosquitto_fopen(const char *path, const char *mode) { #ifdef WIN32 char buf[MAX_PATH]; int rc; rc = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(path, buf, MAX_PATH); if(rc == 0 || rc == MAX_PATH){ return NULL; }else{ return fopen(buf, mode); } #else return fopen(path, mode); #endif }