name: mosquitto version: 1.6.8 summary: Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT broker description: This is a message broker that supports version 3.1 and 3.1.1 of the MQTT protocol. MQTT provides a method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. It is lightweight, both in terms of bandwidth usage and ease of implementation. This makes it particularly useful at the edge of the network where a sensor or other simple device may be implemented using an arduino for example. confinement: strict grade: stable apps: mosquitto: command: daemon: simple restart-condition: always plugs: [home, network, network-bind] pub: command: usr/bin/mosquitto_pub plugs: [home, network] rr: command: usr/bin/mosquitto_rr plugs: [home, network] sub: command: usr/bin/mosquitto_sub plugs: [home, network] passwd: command: usr/bin/mosquitto_passwd plugs: [home] parts: script: plugin: dump source: snap/local/ prime: - default_config.conf - config: plugin: dump source: . prime: - mosquitto.conf mosquitto: after: - lws plugin: make make-parameters: ["prefix=/usr", "WITH_WEBSOCKETS=yes", "WITH_ADNS=yes", "CFLAGS=-Wall -ggdb -O2 -I$SNAPCRAFT_STAGE -D_GNU_SOURCE"] source: source-type: git build-packages: - libssl-dev - xsltproc - docbook-xsl - gcc - g++ stage-packages: - libssl1.0.0 - ca-certificates prime: - usr/sbin/mosquitto - usr/bin/mosquitto_pub - usr/bin/mosquitto_rr - usr/bin/mosquitto_sub - usr/bin/mosquitto_passwd - usr/lib/* - lib/*-linux-gnu/* - lib/*-linux-gnu/* - usr/include/mosquitto.h - usr/include/mosquitto_broker.h - usr/include/mosquitto_plugin.h lws: plugin: cmake configflags: ["-DLWS_IPV6=ON", "-DLWS_WITHOUT_CLIENT=ON", "-DLWS_WITHOUT_EXTENSIONS=ON", "-DLWS_WITH_ZIP_FOPS=OFF", "-DLWS_WITH_ZLIB=OFF", "-DLWS_WITH_SHARED=OFF"] source: source-type: tar stage: - include/libwebsockets.h - include/lws_config.h - lib/libwebsockets.a prime: [-*]