#!/usr/bin/perl # Log CurrentCost power meter data to a mysql database. # Assumes data is coming in on MQTT topic sensors/cc128 # and in format timestamp,temperature,ch1_data # e.g. 1276605752,12.7,86 # To create database, table and user: # # CREATE DATABASE powermeter; # USE 'powermeter'; # CREATE TABLE powermeter ( # `id` INT NOT NULL auto_increment, # `timestamp` INT NOT NULL, # `temperature` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.0, # `ch1` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, # PRIMARY KEY (`id`), # UNIQUE KEY `timestamp` (`timestamp`) # ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; # # CREATE USER 'powermeter'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ''; # GRANT ALL ON powermeter.* to 'powermeter'@'localhost'; use strict; use DBI(); use FileHandle; local $| = 1; my $dbname = "powermeter"; my $dbhost = "localhost"; my $dbusername = "powermeter"; my $dbpassword = "password"; my $dbtable = "powermeter"; my $subclient = "/usr/bin/mosquitto_sub -t sensors/cc128"; open(SUB, "$subclient|"); SUB->autoflush(1); my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$dbhost", "$dbusername", "$dbpassword", {'RaiseError' => 1}); my $query = "INSERT INTO powermeter (timestamp, temperature, ch1) VALUES (?,?,?)"; my @vals; my ($timestamp, $temperature, $ch1); while (my $line = ) { @vals = split(/,/, $line); $timestamp = @vals[0]; $temperature = @vals[1]; $ch1 = @vals[2]; $dbh->do($query, undef, $timestamp, $temperature, $ch1); } $dbh->disconnect();