#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Test whether a broker handles cleansession and local_cleansession correctly on bridges # # Test cases (with settings for broker A (edge). The settings on broker B (core) # are irrelevant, though you'll need persistence enabled to test, unless you # can simulate network interruptions. # Similarly, you'll need persistence on A, _purely_ to simplify the testing with a client # t# | LCS | CS | queued from (expected) # | A->B | B->A # 1 | -(t| t | no | no # 2 | -(f| f | yes | yes # 3 | t | t | no | no (as per #1) # 4 | t | f | no | yes # 5 | f | t | yes | no # 6 | f | f | yes | yes (as per #2) # # Test setup is two (real) brokers, so that messages can be published and subscribed in both # directions, with two test clients, one at each end. # Disable on Travis for now, too unreliable import os if os.environ.get('TRAVIS') is not None: exit(0) from mosq_test_helper import * from collections import namedtuple # Normally we don't want tests to spew debug, but if you're working on a test, it's useful VERBOSE_TEST=False def tprint(*args, **kwargs): if VERBOSE_TEST: print(" ".join(map(str,args)), **kwargs) # this is our "A" broker def write_config_edge(filename, persistence_file, remote_port, listen_port, protocol_version, cs=False, lcs=None): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write("port %d\n" % (listen_port)) f.write("allow_anonymous true\n") f.write("\n") f.write("persistence true\n") f.write("persistence_file %s\n" % (persistence_file)) f.write("\n") f.write("connection bridge_sample\n") f.write("address\n" % (remote_port)) f.write("topic br_out/# out 1\n") f.write("topic br_in/# in 1\n") f.write("notifications false\n") # We need to ensure connections break fast enough to keep test times sane f.write("keepalive_interval 5\n") f.write("restart_timeout 5\n") f.write("cleansession %s\n" % ("true" if cs else "false")) # Ensure defaults are tested if lcs is not None: f.write("local_cleansession %s\n" % ("true" if lcs else "false")) f.write("bridge_protocol_version %s\n" % (protocol_version)) # this is our "B" broker def write_config_core(filename, listen_port, persistence_file): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write("port %d\n" % (listen_port)) f.write("allow_anonymous true\n") f.write("\n") f.write("persistence true\n") f.write("persistence_file %s\n" % (persistence_file)) def do_test(proto_ver, cs, lcs=None): tprint("Running test with cs:%s, lcs: %s and proto: %d" % (cs, lcs, proto_ver)) if proto_ver == 4: bridge_protocol = "mqttv311" else: bridge_protocol = "mqttv50" # Match default behaviour of broker expect_queued_ab = True expect_queued_ba = True if lcs is None: lcs = cs if lcs: expect_queued_ab = False if cs: expect_queued_ba = False (port_a_listen, port_b_listen) = mosq_test.get_port(2) conf_file_a = os.path.basename(__file__).replace('.py', '_a_edge.conf') persistence_file_a = os.path.basename(__file__).replace('.py', '_a_edge.db') write_config_edge(conf_file_a, persistence_file_a, port_b_listen, port_a_listen, bridge_protocol, cs=cs, lcs=lcs) conf_file_b = os.path.basename(__file__).replace('.py', '_b_core.conf') persistence_file_b = os.path.basename(__file__).replace('.py', '_b_core.db') write_config_core(conf_file_b, port_b_listen, persistence_file_b) AckedPair = namedtuple("AckedPair", "p ack") def make_conn(client_tag, proto, cs, session_present=False): client_id = socket.gethostname() + "." + client_tag keepalive = 60 conn = mosq_test.gen_connect(client_id, keepalive=keepalive, clean_session=cs, proto_ver=proto, session_expiry=0 if cs else 5000) connack = mosq_test.gen_connack(rc=0, proto_ver=proto_ver, flags=1 if session_present else 0) return AckedPair(conn, connack) def make_sub(topic, mid, qos, proto): if proto_ver == 5: opts = mqtt5_opts.MQTT_SUB_OPT_NO_LOCAL | mqtt5_opts.MQTT_SUB_OPT_RETAIN_AS_PUBLISHED else: opts = 0 sub = mosq_test.gen_subscribe(mid, topic, qos | opts, proto_ver=proto) suback = mosq_test.gen_suback(mid, qos, proto_ver=proto) return AckedPair(sub, suback) def make_pub(topic, mid, proto, qos=1, payload_tag="message", rc=-1): # Using the mid automatically makes it hard to verify messages that might have been retransmitted. # encourage users to put sequence numbers in topics instead.... pub = mosq_test.gen_publish(topic, mid=mid, qos=qos, retain=False, payload=payload_tag + "-from-" + topic, proto_ver=proto) puback = mosq_test.gen_puback(mid, proto_ver=proto, reason_code=rc) return AckedPair(pub, puback) # Clients are testing messages in both directions, they need to be durable conn_a = make_conn("client_a_edge", proto_ver, False) conn_b = make_conn("client_b_core", proto_ver, False) # We expect session present when we reconnect reconn_a = make_conn("client_a_edge", proto_ver, False, session_present=True) reconn_b = make_conn("client_b_core", proto_ver, False, session_present=True) # remember, mids are from each broker's point of view, not the "world" sub_a = make_sub("br_in/#", qos=1, mid=1, proto=proto_ver) sub_b = make_sub("br_out/#", qos=1, mid=1, proto=proto_ver) pub_a1 = make_pub("br_out/test-queued1", mid=1, proto=proto_ver) pub_a2 = make_pub("br_out/test-queued2", mid=2, proto=proto_ver) pub_a3 = make_pub("br_out/test-queued3", mid=3, proto=proto_ver) pub_a3r = make_pub("br_out/test-queued3", mid=2, proto=proto_ver) # without queueing, there is no a2 pub_b1 = make_pub("br_in/test-queued1", mid=1, proto=proto_ver) pub_b2 = make_pub("br_in/test-queued2", mid=2, proto=proto_ver) pub_b3 = make_pub("br_in/test-queued3", mid=3, proto=proto_ver) pub_b3r = make_pub("br_in/test-queued3", mid=2, proto=proto_ver) # without queueing, there is no b2 success = False stde_a1 = stde_b1 = None try: # b must start first, as it's the destination of a broker_b = mosq_test.start_broker(filename=conf_file_b, port=port_b_listen, use_conf=True) broker_a = mosq_test.start_broker(filename=conf_file_a, port=port_a_listen, use_conf=True) client_a = mosq_test.do_client_connect(conn_a.p, conn_a.ack, port=port_a_listen) mosq_test.do_send_receive(client_a, sub_a.p, sub_a.ack, "suback_a") client_b = mosq_test.do_client_connect(conn_b.p, conn_b.ack, port=port_b_listen) mosq_test.do_send_receive(client_b, sub_b.p, sub_b.ack, "suback_b") mosq_test.do_send_receive(client_a, pub_a1.p, pub_a1.ack, "puback_a1") mosq_test.do_receive_send(client_b, pub_a1.p, pub_a1.ack, "a->b1 (b-side)") mosq_test.do_send_receive(client_b, pub_b1.p, pub_b1.ack, "puback_b1") mosq_test.do_receive_send(client_a, pub_b1.p, pub_b1.ack, "b->a1 (a-side)") tprint("Normal bi-dir bridging works. continuing") broker_b.terminate() broker_b.wait() (stdo_b1, stde_b1) = broker_b.communicate() # as we're _terminating_ the connections should close ~straight away tprint("terminated B", time.time()) time.sleep(0.5) # should be queued (or not) mosq_test.do_send_receive(client_a, pub_a2.p, pub_a2.ack, "puback_a2") broker_b = mosq_test.start_broker(filename=conf_file_b, port=port_b_listen, use_conf=True) # client b needs to reconnect now! client_b = mosq_test.do_client_connect(reconn_b.p, reconn_b.ack, port=port_b_listen) tprint("client b reconnected after restarting broker b at ", time.time()) # Need to sleep long enough to be sure of a re-connection... time.sleep(10) # yuck, this makes the test run for ages! # should go through tprint("(B should be alive again now!) sending (after reconn!) a3 at ", time.time()) mosq_test.do_send_receive(client_a, pub_a3.p, pub_a3.ack, "puback_a3") if expect_queued_ab: tprint("1.expecting a->b queueing") mosq_test.do_receive_send(client_b, pub_a2.p, pub_a2.ack, "a->b_2") mosq_test.do_receive_send(client_b, pub_a3.p, pub_a3.ack, "a->b_3") else: tprint("not expecting a->b queueing") mosq_test.do_receive_send(client_b, pub_a3r.p, pub_a3r.ack, "a->b_3(r)") tprint("Stage 1 complete, repeating in other direction") # ok, now repeat in the other direction... broker_a.terminate() broker_a.wait() (stdo_a1, stde_a1) = broker_a.communicate() time.sleep(0.5) mosq_test.do_send_receive(client_b, pub_b2.p, pub_b2.ack, "puback_b2") broker_a = mosq_test.start_broker(filename=conf_file_a, port=port_a_listen, use_conf=True) # client a needs to reconnect now! client_a = mosq_test.do_client_connect(reconn_a.p, reconn_a.ack, port=port_a_listen) tprint("client A reconnected after restarting broker A at ", time.time()) # Need to sleep long enough to be sure of a re-connection... time.sleep(10) # yuck, this makes the test run for ages! # should go through mosq_test.do_send_receive(client_b, pub_b3.p, pub_b3.ack, "puback_b3") if expect_queued_ba: tprint("2.expecting b->a queueueing") mosq_test.do_receive_send(client_a, pub_b2.p, pub_b2.ack, "b->a_2") mosq_test.do_receive_send(client_a, pub_b3.p, pub_b3.ack, "b->a_3") else: tprint("not expecting message b->a_2") mosq_test.do_receive_send(client_a, pub_b3r.p, pub_b3r.ack, "b->a_3(r)") success = True except mosq_test.TestError: pass finally: os.remove(conf_file_a) os.remove(conf_file_b) broker_a.terminate() broker_b.terminate() broker_a.wait() broker_b.wait() (stdo_a, stde_a) = broker_a.communicate() (stdo_b, stde_b) = broker_b.communicate() # Must be after terminating! try: os.remove(persistence_file_a) except FileNotFoundError: print("persistence file a didn't exist, skipping remove") try: os.remove(persistence_file_b) except FileNotFoundError: print("persistence file b didn't exist, skipping remove") if not success: print("Test failed, dumping broker A logs: ") if stde_a1: print(stde_a1.decode('utf-8')) print(stde_a.decode('utf-8')) print("Test failed, dumping broker B logs: ") if stde_b1: print(stde_b1.decode('utf-8')) print(stde_b.decode('utf-8')) exit(1) for cs in [True, False]: for lcs in [None, True, False]: do_test(proto_ver=4, cs=cs, lcs=lcs) # FIXME - v5 clean session bridging doesn't work: see # https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto/issues/1632 #do_test(proto_ver=5, cs=cs, lcs=lcs) exit(0)