FROM alpine:latest AS build # A released dist version, like "1.2.3" ARG VERSION RUN test -n "${VERSION}" RUN apk --no-cache add \ build-base \ libressl-dev \ c-ares-dev \ curl \ util-linux-dev \ libwebsockets-dev \ libxslt \ python2 # This build procedure is based on: # # # If this step fails, double check the version build-arg and make sure its # a valid published tarball at RUN mkdir -p /build /install && \ curl -SL${VERSION}.tar.gz \ | tar --strip=1 -xzC /build && \ make -C /build \ WITH_MEMORY_TRACKING=no \ WITH_WEBSOCKETS=yes \ WITH_SRV=yes \ WITH_TLS_PSK=no \ WITH_ADNS=no \ prefix=/usr \ binary && \ make -C /build \ prefix=/usr \ DESTDIR="/install" \ install && \ mv /install/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf.example /install/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf && \ sed -i -e 's/#log_dest stderr/log_dest syslog/' /install/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf # Single-layer image for the mosquitto distribution FROM alpine:latest LABEL maintainer="Jonathan Hanson " \ description="Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT Broker" # Install the run-time dependencies RUN apk --no-cache add \ busybox \ libcrypto1.0 \ libssl1.0 \ libuuid \ libwebsockets \ musl # Copy over the built install from the earlier image layer COPY --from=build /install / # Set up the mosquitto directories and the mosquitto user RUN addgroup -S mosquitto 2>/dev/null && \ adduser -S -D -H -h /var/empty -s /sbin/nologin -G mosquitto -g mosquitto mosquitto 2>/dev/null && \ mkdir -p /mosquitto/config /mosquitto/data /mosquitto/log && \ cp /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf /mosquitto/config && \ chown -R mosquitto:mosquitto /mosquitto VOLUME ["/mosquitto/config", "/mosquitto/data", "/mosquitto/log"] # Set up the entry point script and default command COPY / EXPOSE 1883 ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["/usr/sbin/mosquitto", "-c", "/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf"]