Mosquitto 0.9, which I hope to release mid November, represents the most significant change to mosquitto to date - the removal of sqlite as an absolute dependency. In addition, this removes the dependency on the sqlite3-pcre extension and on pcre. This gives a definite performance improvement, reduces the amount of object code that needs loading by around 95%, reduces memory usage and also makes it lots easier to compile on more unusual systems. It's quite a substantial change though, so I've made a test release to hopefully get some external testing. If you could give it a try and report back that'd be great. The source is at . (use the highest numbered version available). There are also Ubuntu packages available at the [mosquitto-expt ppa] and binaries for Fedora, Mandriva,  SLES and openSUSE at the [openSUSE build service]. If you'd like binaries for other systems, please get in touch. Note that this is a test release, not a release candidate - there are definitely things that still need changing. The following list shows the points I'm currently aware of: * Old style sqlite will be imported when the option is compiled in (enabled by default). This import currently only imports retained messages and durable subscriptions, but not queued messages. * ~~The `max_inflight_messages` and `max_queued_messages` config options are ignored and no maximum is applied.~~ * ~~The CMake compilation scripts aren't updated.~~ # Update I've uploaded test3 with a python fix, updated CMake scripts and fixed `max_inflight_messages` and `max_queued_mesages`. [mosquitto-expt ppa]: [openSUSE build service]: