Versions 2.0.12 of Mosquitto has been released. This is a security and bugfix release. # Security - An MQTT v5 client connecting with a large number of user-property properties could cause excessive CPU usage, leading to a loss of performance and possible denial of service. This has been fixed. - Fix `max_keepalive` not applying to MQTT v3.1.1 and v3.1 connections. These clients are now rejected if their keepalive value exceeds max_keepalive. This option allows [CVE-2020-13849], which is for the MQTT v3.1.1 protocol itself rather than an implementation, to be addressed. - Using certain listener related configuration options e.g. `cafile`, that apply to the default listener without defining any listener would cause a remotely accessible listener to be opened that was not confined to the local machine but did have anonymous access enabled, contrary to the documentation. This has been fixed. Closes [#2283]. - [CVE-2021-34434]: If a plugin had granted ACL subscription access to a durable/non-clean-session client, then removed that access, the client would keep its existing subscription. This has been fixed. - Incoming QoS 2 messages that had not completed the QoS flow were not being checked for ACL access when a clean session=False client was reconnecting. This has been fixed. # Broker - Fix possible out of bounds memory reads when reading a corrupt/crafted configuration file. Unless your configuration file is writable by untrusted users this is not a risk. Closes [#567213]. - Fix `max_connections` option not being correctly counted. - Fix TLS certificates and TLS-PSK not being able to be configured at the same time. - Disable TLS v1.3 when using TLS-PSK, because it isn't correctly configured. - Fix `max_keepalive` not applying to MQTT v3.1.1 and v3.1 connections. These clients are now rejected if their keepalive value exceeds `max_keepalive`. This option allows CVE-2020-13849, which is for the MQTT v3.1.1 protocol itself rather than an implementation, to be addressed. - Fix broker not quiting if e.g. the `password_file` is specified as a directory. Closes [#2241]. - Fix listener `mount_point` not being removed on outgoing messages. Closes [#2244]. - Strict protocol compliance fixes, plus test suite. - Fix $share subscriptions not being recovered for durable clients that reconnect. - Update plugin configuration documentation. Closes [#2286]. # Client library - If a client uses TLS-PSK then force the default cipher list to use "PSK" ciphers only. This means that a client connecting to a broker configured with x509 certificates only will now fail. Prior to this, the client would connect successfully without verifying certificates, because they were not configured. - Disable TLS v1.3 when using TLS-PSK, because it isn't correctly configured. - Threaded mode is deconfigured when the `mosquitto_loop_start()` thread ends, which allows `mosquitto_loop_start()` to be called again. Closes [#2242]. - Fix `MOSQ_OPT_SSL_CTX` not being able to be set to NULL. Closes [#2289]. - Fix reconnecting failing when `MOSQ_OPT_TLS_USE_OS_CERTS` was in use, but none of `capath`, `cafile`, `psk`, nor `MOSQ_OPT_SSL_CTX` were set, and `MOSQ_OPT_SSL_CTX_WITH_DEFAULTS` was set to the default value of true. Closes [#2288]. # Apps - Fix `mosquitto_ctrl dynsec setDefaultACLAccess` command not working. # Clients - `mosquitto_sub` and `mosquitto_rr` now open stdout in binary mode on Windows so binary payloads are not modified when printing. - Document TLS certificate behaviour when using `-p 8883`. # Build - Fix installation using `WITH_TLS=no`. Closes [#2281]. - Fix builds with libressl 3.4.0. Closes [#2198]. - Remove some unnecessary code guards related to libressl. - Fix printf format build warning on MIPS. Closes [#2271]. [#2198]: [#2241]: [#2242]: [#2244]: [#2271]: [#2281]: [#2286]: [#2288]: [#2289]: [#567213]: [CVE-2020-13849]: [CVE-2021-34434]: