# ============================================================================= # User configuration section. # # These options control compilation on all systems apart from Windows and Mac # OS X. Use CMake to compile on Windows and Mac. # # Largely, these are options that are designed to make mosquitto run more # easily in restrictive environments by removing features. # # Modify the variable below to enable/disable features. # # Can also be overriden at the command line, e.g.: # # make WITH_TLS=no # ============================================================================= # Uncomment to compile the broker with tcpd/libwrap support. #WITH_WRAP:=yes # Comment out to disable SSL/TLS support in the broker and client. # Disabling this will also mean that passwords must be stored in plain text. It # is strongly recommended that you only disable WITH_TLS if you are not using # password authentication at all. WITH_TLS:=yes # Comment out to disable TLS/PSK support in the broker and client. Requires # WITH_TLS=yes. # This must be disabled if using openssl < 1.0. WITH_TLS_PSK:=yes # Comment out to disable client threading support. WITH_THREADING:=yes # Comment out to remove bridge support from the broker. This allow the broker # to connect to other brokers and subscribe/publish to topics. You probably # want to leave this included unless you want to save a very small amount of # memory size and CPU time. WITH_BRIDGE:=yes # Comment out to remove persistent database support from the broker. This # allows the broker to store retained messages and durable subscriptions to a # file periodically and on shutdown. This is usually desirable (and is # suggested by the MQTT spec), but it can be disabled if required. WITH_PERSISTENCE:=yes # Comment out to remove memory tracking support from the broker. If disabled, # mosquitto won't track heap memory usage nor export '$SYS/broker/heap/current # size', but will use slightly less memory and CPU time. WITH_MEMORY_TRACKING:=yes # Compile with database upgrading support? If disabled, mosquitto won't # automatically upgrade old database versions. # Not currently supported. #WITH_DB_UPGRADE:=yes # Comment out to remove publishing of the $SYS topic hierarchy containing # information about the broker state. WITH_SYS_TREE:=yes # Build with systemd support. If enabled, mosquitto will notify systemd after # initialization. See README in service/systemd/ for more information. WITH_SYSTEMD:=no # Build with SRV lookup support. WITH_SRV:=no # Build with websockets support on the broker. WITH_WEBSOCKETS:=no # Use elliptic keys in broker WITH_EC:=yes # Build man page documentation by default. WITH_DOCS:=yes # Build with client support for SOCK5 proxy. WITH_SOCKS:=yes # Strip executables and shared libraries on install. WITH_STRIP:=no # Build static libraries WITH_STATIC_LIBRARIES:=no # Use this variable to add extra library dependencies when building the clients # with the static libmosquitto library. This may be required on some systems # where e.g. -lz or -latomic are needed for openssl. CLIENT_STATIC_LDADD:= # Build shared libraries WITH_SHARED_LIBRARIES:=yes # Build with async dns lookup support for bridges (temporary). Requires glibc. #WITH_ADNS:=yes # Build with epoll support. WITH_EPOLL:=yes # Build with bundled uthash.h WITH_BUNDLED_DEPS:=yes # Build with coverage options WITH_COVERAGE:=no # ============================================================================= # End of user configuration # ============================================================================= # Also bump lib/mosquitto.h, CMakeLists.txt, # installer/mosquitto.nsi, installer/mosquitto64.nsi VERSION=1.6.10 # Client library SO version. Bump if incompatible API/ABI changes are made. SOVERSION=1 # Man page generation requires xsltproc and docbook-xsl XSLTPROC=xsltproc --nonet # For html generation DB_HTML_XSL=man/html.xsl #MANCOUNTRIES=en_GB UNAME:=$(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME),SunOS) ifeq ($(CC),cc) CFLAGS?=-O else CFLAGS?=-Wall -ggdb -O2 endif else CFLAGS?=-Wall -ggdb -O2 endif STATIC_LIB_DEPS:= LIB_CPPFLAGS=$(CPPFLAGS) -I. -I.. -I../lib ifeq ($(WITH_BUNDLED_DEPS),yes) LIB_CPPFLAGS:=$(LIB_CPPFLAGS) -I../src/deps endif LIB_CFLAGS:=$(CFLAGS) LIB_CXXFLAGS:=$(CXXFLAGS) LIB_LDFLAGS:=$(LDFLAGS) LIB_LIBADD:=$(LIBADD) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(LIB_CPPFLAGS) BROKER_CFLAGS:=${CFLAGS} -DVERSION="\"${VERSION}\"" -DWITH_BROKER BROKER_LDFLAGS:=${LDFLAGS} BROKER_LDADD:= CLIENT_CPPFLAGS:=$(CPPFLAGS) -I.. -I../lib CLIENT_CFLAGS:=${CFLAGS} -DVERSION="\"${VERSION}\"" CLIENT_LDFLAGS:=$(LDFLAGS) -L../lib CLIENT_LDADD:= PASSWD_LDADD:= ifneq ($(or $(findstring $(UNAME),FreeBSD), $(findstring $(UNAME),OpenBSD), $(findstring $(UNAME),NetBSD)),) BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lm SEDINPLACE:=-i "" else BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -ldl -lm SEDINPLACE:=-i endif ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lrt BROKER_LDFLAGS:=$(BROKER_LDFLAGS) -Wl,--dynamic-list=linker.syms LIB_LIBADD:=$(LIB_LIBADD) -lrt endif ifeq ($(WITH_SHARED_LIBRARIES),yes) CLIENT_LDADD:=${CLIENT_LDADD} ../lib/libmosquitto.so.${SOVERSION} endif ifeq ($(UNAME),SunOS) ifeq ($(CC),cc) LIB_CFLAGS:=$(LIB_CFLAGS) -xc99 -KPIC else LIB_CFLAGS:=$(LIB_CFLAGS) -fPIC endif ifeq ($(CXX),CC) LIB_CXXFLAGS:=$(LIB_CXXFLAGS) -KPIC else LIB_CXXFLAGS:=$(LIB_CXXFLAGS) -fPIC endif else LIB_CFLAGS:=$(LIB_CFLAGS) -fPIC LIB_CXXFLAGS:=$(LIB_CXXFLAGS) -fPIC endif ifneq ($(UNAME),SunOS) LIB_LDFLAGS:=$(LIB_LDFLAGS) -Wl,--version-script=linker.version -Wl,-soname,libmosquitto.so.$(SOVERSION) endif ifeq ($(UNAME),QNX) BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lsocket LIB_LIBADD:=$(LIB_LIBADD) -lsocket endif ifeq ($(WITH_WRAP),yes) BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lwrap BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_WRAP endif ifeq ($(WITH_TLS),yes) BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lssl -lcrypto LIB_LIBADD:=$(LIB_LIBADD) -lssl -lcrypto BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_TLS LIB_CPPFLAGS:=$(LIB_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_TLS PASSWD_LDADD:=$(PASSWD_LDADD) -lcrypto CLIENT_CPPFLAGS:=$(CLIENT_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_TLS STATIC_LIB_DEPS:=$(STATIC_LIB_DEPS) -lssl -lcrypto ifeq ($(WITH_TLS_PSK),yes) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_TLS_PSK LIB_CPPFLAGS:=$(LIB_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_TLS_PSK CLIENT_CPPFLAGS:=$(CLIENT_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_TLS_PSK endif endif ifeq ($(WITH_THREADING),yes) LIB_LIBADD:=$(LIB_LIBADD) -lpthread LIB_CPPFLAGS:=$(LIB_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_THREADING CLIENT_CPPFLAGS:=$(CLIENT_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_THREADING STATIC_LIB_DEPS:=$(STATIC_LIB_DEPS) -lpthread endif ifeq ($(WITH_SOCKS),yes) LIB_CPPFLAGS:=$(LIB_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_SOCKS CLIENT_CPPFLAGS:=$(CLIENT_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_SOCKS endif ifeq ($(WITH_BRIDGE),yes) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_BRIDGE endif ifeq ($(WITH_PERSISTENCE),yes) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_PERSISTENCE endif ifeq ($(WITH_MEMORY_TRACKING),yes) ifneq ($(UNAME),SunOS) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_MEMORY_TRACKING endif endif ifeq ($(WITH_SYS_TREE),yes) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_SYS_TREE endif ifeq ($(WITH_SYSTEMD),yes) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_SYSTEMD BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lsystemd endif ifeq ($(WITH_SRV),yes) LIB_CPPFLAGS:=$(LIB_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_SRV LIB_LIBADD:=$(LIB_LIBADD) -lcares CLIENT_CPPFLAGS:=$(CLIENT_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_SRV STATIC_LIB_DEPS:=$(STATIC_LIB_DEPS) -lcares endif ifeq ($(UNAME),SunOS) BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lsocket -lnsl LIB_LIBADD:=$(LIB_LIBADD) -lsocket -lnsl endif ifeq ($(WITH_EC),yes) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_EC endif ifeq ($(WITH_ADNS),yes) BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lanl BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_ADNS endif MAKE_ALL:=mosquitto ifeq ($(WITH_DOCS),yes) MAKE_ALL:=$(MAKE_ALL) docs endif ifeq ($(WITH_WEBSOCKETS),yes) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_WEBSOCKETS BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -lwebsockets endif ifeq ($(WITH_WEBSOCKETS),static) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_WEBSOCKETS BROKER_LDADD:=$(BROKER_LDADD) -static -lwebsockets endif INSTALL?=install prefix?=/usr/local incdir?=${prefix}/include libdir?=${prefix}/lib${LIB_SUFFIX} localedir?=${prefix}/share/locale mandir?=${prefix}/share/man STRIP?=strip ifeq ($(WITH_STRIP),yes) STRIP_OPTS?=-s --strip-program=${CROSS_COMPILE}${STRIP} endif ifeq ($(WITH_EPOLL),yes) ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -DWITH_EPOLL endif endif ifeq ($(WITH_BUNDLED_DEPS),yes) BROKER_CPPFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CPPFLAGS) -Ideps endif ifeq ($(WITH_COVERAGE),yes) BROKER_CFLAGS:=$(BROKER_CFLAGS) -coverage BROKER_LDFLAGS:=$(BROKER_LDFLAGS) -coverage LIB_CFLAGS:=$(LIB_CFLAGS) -coverage LIB_LDFLAGS:=$(LIB_LDFLAGS) -coverage CLIENT_CFLAGS:=$(CLIENT_CFLAGS) -coverage CLIENT_LDFLAGS:=$(CLIENT_LDFLAGS) -coverage endif BROKER_LDADD:=${BROKER_LDADD} ${LDADD} CLIENT_LDADD:=${CLIENT_LDADD} ${LDADD} PASSWD_LDADD:=${PASSWD_LDADD} ${LDADD}