# Man pages * [mosquitto] - running the Mosquitto broker * [mosquitto.conf] - the Mosquitto broker configuration file * [mosquitto_passwd] - command line utility for generating Mosquitto password files * [mosquitto_pub] - command line utility for publishing messages to a broker * [mosquitto_rr] - command line utility for simple request/response with a broker * [mosquitto_sub] - command line utility for subscribing to topics on a broker * [mosquitto-tls] - brief cheat sheet for creating x509 certificates * [mqtt] - description of MQTT features # libmosquitto API * [libmosquitto API documentation] # Other * [Using the snap package] - specific instructions on installing and configuring the Mosquitto snap package. [mosquitto]:/man/mosquitto-8.html [mosquitto.conf]:/man/mosquitto-conf-5.html [mosquitto_passwd]:/man/mosquitto_passwd-1.html [mosquitto_pub]:/man/mosquitto_pub-1.html [mosquitto_rr]:/man/mosquitto_rr-1.html [mosquitto_sub]:/man/mosquitto_sub-1.html [mosquitto-tls]:/man/mosquitto-tls-7.html [mqtt]:/man/mqtt-7.html [libmosquitto API documentation]:/api/ [Using the snap package]:/documentation/using-the-snap/