diff --git a/www/pages/documentation/dynamic-security.md b/www/pages/documentation/dynamic-security.md index 922c38d5..fad933da 100644 --- a/www/pages/documentation/dynamic-security.md +++ b/www/pages/documentation/dynamic-security.md @@ -360,7 +360,87 @@ mosquitto_ctrl -u admin -h localhost dynsec ... It is possible to provide the admin password on the command line, but this is not recommended. -See **FIXME** for the full list of options available for `mosquitto_ctrl`. +### mosquitto_ctrl options + +* `-A address` : Bind the outgoing connection to a local ip address/hostname. + Use this argument if you need to restrict network communication to a + particular interface. +* `--cafile path-to-ca.crt` : Define the path to a file containing PEM encoded + CA certificates that are trusted. Used to enable SSL communication. See also + `--capath` +* `--capath` : Define the path to a directory containing PEM encoded CA + certificates that are trusted. Used to enable SSL communication. For + `--capath` to work correctly, the certificate files must have ".crt" as the + file ending and you must run `openssl rehash ` each time you + add/remove a certificate. See also `--cafile`. +* `--cert path-to-client.crt` : Define the path to a file containing a PEM + encoded certificate for this client, if required by the server. See also + `--key`. +* `--ciphers` : An openssl compatible list of TLS ciphers to support in the + client. See ciphers(1) for more information. +* `-d` : Enable debug messages. +* `--help` : Display usage information. +* `-h hostname` : Specify the host to connect to. Defaults to localhost. +* `-i client-id` : The id to use for this client. If not given, a client id + will be generated depending on the MQTT version being used. For v3.1.1/v3.1, + the client generates a client id in the format mosq-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, where + the X are replaced with random alphanumeric characters. For v5.0, the client + sends a zero length client id, and the server will generate a client id for + the client. +* `--insecure` : When using certificate based encryption, this option disables + verification of the server hostname in the server certificate. This can be + useful when testing initial server configurations but makes it possible for a + malicious third party to impersonate your server through DNS spoofing, for + example. Use this option in testing only. If you need to resort to using this + option in a production environment, your setup is at fault and there is no + point using encryption. +* `--key path-to-client.key` : Define the path to a file containing a PEM + encoded private key for this client, if required by the server. See also + `--cert`. +* `-L url` : Specify specify user, password, hostname, port and topic at once + as a URL. The URL must be in the form: + `mqtt(s)://[username[:password]@]host[:port]`. If the scheme is mqtt:// then + the port defaults to 1883. If the scheme is mqtts:// then the port defaults + to 8883. +* `--nodelay` : Disable Nagle's algorithm for the socket. This means that + latency of sent messages is reduced, which is particularly noticable for + small, reasonably infrequent messages. Using this option may result in more + packets being sent than would normally be necessary. +* `-p port` : Connect to the port specified. If not given, the default of 1883 + for plain MQTT or 8883 for MQTT over TLS will be used. +* `-P password` : Provide a password to be used for authenticating with the + broker. Using this argument without also specifying a username is invalid + when using MQTT v3.1 or v3.1.1. See also the `-u` option. +* `--proxy proxy-url` : Specify a SOCKS5 proxy to connect through. "None" and + "username" authentication types are supported. The socks-url must be of the + form `socks5h://[username[:password]@]host[:port]`. The protocol prefix + socks5h means that hostnames are resolved by the proxy. The symbols %25, %3A + and %40 are URL decoded into %, : and @ respectively, if present in the + username or password. If username is not given, then no authentication is + attempted. If the port is not given, then the default of 1080 is used. +* `--psk key` : Provide the hexadecimal (no leading 0x) pre-shared-key matching + the one used on the broker to use TLS-PSK encryption support. + `--psk-identity` must also be provided to enable TLS-PSK. +* `--psk-identity identify` : The client identity to use with TLS-PSK support. + This may be used instead of a username if the broker is configured to do so. +* `-q qos` : Specify the quality of service to use for messages, from 0, 1 and + 2. Defaults to 1. +* `--quiet` : If this argument is given, no runtime errors will be printed. + This excludes any error messages given in case of invalid user input (e.g. + using `-p` without a port). +* `--tls-version version` : Choose which TLS protocol version to use when + communicating with the broker. Valid options are tlsv1.3, tlsv1.2 and + tlsv1.1. The default value is tlsv1.2. Must match the protocol version used + by the broker. +* `-u username` : Provide a username to be used for authenticating with the + broker. See also the `-P` argument. +* `--unix path` : Connect to a broker through a local unix domain socket + instead of a TCP socket. This is a replacement for `-h` and `-L`. For + example: `mosquitto_ctrl --unix /tmp/mosquitto.sock ...`. +* `-V protocol-version` : Specify which version of the MQTT protocol should be + used when connecting to the remote broker. Can be `5`, `311`, `31`, or the + more verbose `mqttv5`, `mqttv311`, or `mqttv31`. Defaults to `311`. + ## Configuring default access