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2020-09-23 21:59:31 +00:00
# Mosquitto Dynamic Security
This document describes a topic based mechanism for controlling security in
Mosquitto. JSON commands are published to topics like `$CONTROL/<feature>/v1`
## Clients
When a client connects to Mosquitto, it can optionally provide a username. The
username maps the client instance to a client on the broker, if it exists.
Multiple clients can make use of the same username, and hence the same broker
## Groups
Broker clients can be defined as belonging to zero or more broker groups.
## Roles
Roles can be applied to a client or a group, and define what that client/group
is allowed to do, for example what topics it may or may not publish or
subscribe to.
## Commands
### Set default ACL access
Sets the default access behaviour for the different ACL types, assuming there
are no matching ACLs for a topic.
By default, publishClientSend and subscribe default to deny, and
publishClientReceive and unsubscribe default to allow.
2020-09-23 21:59:31 +00:00
"command": "setDefaultACLAccess",
{ "acltype": "publishClientSend", "allow": false },
{ "acltype": "publishClientReceive", "allow": true },
2020-09-23 21:59:31 +00:00
{ "acltype": "subscribe", "allow": false },
{ "acltype": "unsubscribe", "allow": true }
2020-09-23 21:59:31 +00:00
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec setDefaultACLAccess subscribe deny
### Get default ACL access
Gets the default access behaviour for the different ACL types.
"command": "getDefaultACLAccess",
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec getDefaultACLAccess
2020-09-23 21:59:31 +00:00
## Create Client
"command": "createClient",
"username": "new username",
"password": "new password",
"clientid": "", # Optional
"textname": "", # Optional
"textdescription": "", # Optional
"groups": [
{ "groupname": "group", "priority": 1 }
], # Optional, groups must exist
"roles": [
{ "rolename": "role", "priority": -1 }
] # Optional, roles must exist
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec createClient username password
## Delete Client
"command": "deleteClient",
"username": "username to delete"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec deleteClient username
## Enable Client
"command": "enableClient",
"username": "username to enable"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec enableClient username
## Disable Client
Stop a client from being able to log in, and kick any clients with matching
username that are currently connected.
"command": "disableClient",
"username": "username to disable"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec disableClient username
2020-09-23 21:59:31 +00:00
## Get Client
"command": "getClient",
"username": "required username"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec getClient username
## List Clients
"command": "listClients",
"verbose": false,
"count": -1, # -1 for all, or a positive integer for a limited count
"offset": 0 # Where in the list to start
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec listClients 10 20
## Modify Existing Client
"command": "modifyClient",
"username": "username to modify"
"textname": "", # Optional
"textdescription": "", # Optional
"roles": [
{ "rolename": "role", "priority": 1 }
], # Optional
"groups": [
{ "groupname": "group", "priority": 1 }
], # Optional
Modifying clients isn't currently possible with mosquitto_ctrl.
## Set Client Password
"command": "setClientPassword",
"username": "username to change",
"password": "new password"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec setClientPassword username password
## Add Client Role
"command": "addClientRole",
"username": "client to add role to",
"rolename": "role to add",
"priority": -1 # Optional priority
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec addClientRole username rolename
## Remove Client Role
"command": "removeClientRole",
"username": "client to remove role from",
"rolename": "role to remove"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec removeClientRole username rolename
## Add Client to a Group
"command": "addGroupClient",
"groupname": "group to add client to",
"username": "client to add to group",
"priority": -1 # Priority of the group for the client
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec addGroupClient groupname username
## Create Group
"command": "createGroup",
"groupname": "new group",
"roles": [
{ "rolename": "role", "priority": 1 }
] # Optional, roles must exist
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec createGroup groupname
## Delete Group
"command": "deleteGroup",
"groupname: "group to delete"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec deleteGroup groupname
## Get Group
"command": "getGroup",
"groupname: "group to get"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec getGroup groupname
## List Groups
"command": "listGroups",
"verbose": false,
"count": -1, # -1 for all, or a positive integer for a limited count
"offset": 0 # Where in the list to start
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec listGroups
## Modify Group
"command": "modifyGroup",
"groupname": "group to modify",
"textname": "", # Optional
"textdescription": "", # Optional
"roles": [
{ "rolename": "role", "priority": 1 }
], # Optional
"clients": [
{ "username": "client", "priority": 1 }
] # Optional
Modifying groups isn't currently possible with mosquitto_ctrl.
## Remove Client from a Group
"command": "removeGroupClient",
"groupname": "group to remove client from",
"username": "client to remove from group"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec removeGroupClient groupname username
## Add Group Role
"command": "addGroupRole",
"groupname": "group to add role to",
"rolename": "role to add",
"priority": -1 # Optional priority
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec addGroupRole groupname rolename
## Remove Group Role
"command": "removeGroupRole",
"groupname": "group",
"rolename": "role"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec removeGroupRole groupname rolename
## Set Group for Anonymous Clients
"command": "setAnonymousGroup",
"groupname": "group"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec setAnonymousGroup groupname
## Get Group for Anonymous Clients
"command": "getAnonymousGroup",
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec getAnonymousGroup
2020-09-23 21:59:31 +00:00
## Create Role
"command": "createRole",
"rolename": "new role",
"textname": "", # Optional
"textdescription": "", # Optional
"acls": [
{ "acltype": "subscribePattern", "topic": "topic/#", "priority": -1, "allow": true}
] # Optional
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec createRole rolename
## Get Role
"command": "getRole",
"rolename": "role",
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec getRole rolename
## List Roles
"command": "listRoles",
"verbose": false,
"count": -1, # -1 for all, or a positive integer for a limited count
"offset": 0 # Where in the list to start
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec listRoles
## Modify Role
"command": "modifyRole",
"rolename": "role to modify"
"textname": "", # Optional
"textdescription": "", # Optional
"acls": [
{ "acltype": "subscribePattern", "topic": "topic/#", "priority": -1, "allow": true }
] # Optional
Modifying roles isn't currently possible with mosquitto_ctrl.
## Delete Role
"command": "deleteRole",
"rolename": "role"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec deleteRole rolename
## Add Role ACL
"command": "addRoleACL",
"acltype": "subscribePattern",
"topic": "topic/#",
"priority": -1,
"allow": true
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec addRoleACL rolename subscribeLiteral topic/# deny
## Remove Role ACL
"command": "removeRoleACL",
"acltype": "subscribePattern",
"topic": "topic/#"
mosquitto_ctrl example:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec removeRoleACL rolename subscribeLiteral topic/#