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Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Roger Light <>
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
2020-11-25 17:34:21 +00:00
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
The Eclipse Public License is available at
2020-11-25 17:34:21 +00:00
and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
Roger Light - initial implementation and documentation.
#define MOSQ_ACL_NONE 0x00
#define MOSQ_ACL_READ 0x01
#define MOSQ_ACL_WRITE 0x02
struct mosquitto_auth_opt {
char *key;
char *value;
* To create an authentication plugin you must include this file then implement
* the functions listed below. The resulting code should then be compiled as a
* shared library. Using gcc this can be achieved as follows:
* gcc -I<path to mosquitto_plugin.h> -fPIC -shared plugin.c -o
* On Mac OS X:
* gcc -I<path to mosquitto_plugin.h> -fPIC -shared plugin.c -undefined dynamic_lookup -o
/* =========================================================================
* Utility Functions
* Use these functions from within your plugin.
* There are also very useful functions in libmosquitto.
* ========================================================================= */
* Function: mosquitto_log_printf
* Write a log message using the broker configured logging.
* Parameters:
* level - Log message priority. Can currently be one of:
* MOSQ_LOG_SUBSCRIBE (not recommended for use by plugins)
* MOSQ_LOG_UNSUBSCRIBE (not recommended for use by plugins)
* These values are defined in mosquitto.h.
* fmt, ... - printf style format and arguments.
void mosquitto_log_printf(int level, const char *fmt, ...);
/* =========================================================================
* Plugin Functions
* You must implement these functions in your plugin.
* ========================================================================= */
* Function: mosquitto_auth_plugin_version
* The broker will call this function immediately after loading the plugin to
* check it is a supported plugin version. Your code must simply return
int mosquitto_auth_plugin_version(void);
* Function: mosquitto_auth_plugin_init
* Called after the plugin has been loaded and <mosquitto_auth_plugin_version>
* has been called. This will only ever be called once and can be used to
* initialise the plugin.
* Parameters:
* user_data : The pointer set here will be passed to the other plugin
* functions. Use to hold connection information for example.
* auth_opts : Pointer to an array of struct mosquitto_auth_opt, which
* provides the plugin options defined in the configuration file.
* auth_opt_count : The number of elements in the auth_opts array.
* Return value:
* Return 0 on success
* Return >0 on failure.
int mosquitto_auth_plugin_init(void **user_data, struct mosquitto_auth_opt *auth_opts, int auth_opt_count);
* Function: mosquitto_auth_plugin_cleanup
* Called when the broker is shutting down. This will only ever be called once.
* Note that <mosquitto_auth_security_cleanup> will be called directly before
* this function.
* Parameters:
* user_data : The pointer provided in <mosquitto_auth_plugin_init>.
* auth_opts : Pointer to an array of struct mosquitto_auth_opt, which
* provides the plugin options defined in the configuration file.
* auth_opt_count : The number of elements in the auth_opts array.
* Return value:
* Return 0 on success
* Return >0 on failure.
int mosquitto_auth_plugin_cleanup(void *user_data, struct mosquitto_auth_opt *auth_opts, int auth_opt_count);
* Function: mosquitto_auth_security_init
* Called when the broker initialises the security functions when it starts up.
* If the broker is requested to reload its configuration whilst running,
* <mosquitto_auth_security_cleanup> will be called, followed by this function.
* In this situation, the reload parameter will be true.
* Parameters:
* user_data : The pointer provided in <mosquitto_auth_plugin_init>.
* auth_opts : Pointer to an array of struct mosquitto_auth_opt, which
* provides the plugin options defined in the configuration file.
* auth_opt_count : The number of elements in the auth_opts array.
* reload : If set to false, this is the first time the function has
* been called. If true, the broker has received a signal
* asking to reload its configuration.
* Return value:
* Return 0 on success
* Return >0 on failure.
int mosquitto_auth_security_init(void *user_data, struct mosquitto_auth_opt *auth_opts, int auth_opt_count, bool reload);
* Function: mosquitto_auth_security_cleanup
* Called when the broker cleans up the security functions when it shuts down.
* If the broker is requested to reload its configuration whilst running,
* this function will be called, followed by <mosquitto_auth_security_init>.
* In this situation, the reload parameter will be true.
* Parameters:
* user_data : The pointer provided in <mosquitto_auth_plugin_init>.
* auth_opts : Pointer to an array of struct mosquitto_auth_opt, which
* provides the plugin options defined in the configuration file.
* auth_opt_count : The number of elements in the auth_opts array.
* reload : If set to false, this is the first time the function has
* been called. If true, the broker has received a signal
* asking to reload its configuration.
* Return value:
* Return 0 on success
* Return >0 on failure.
int mosquitto_auth_security_cleanup(void *user_data, struct mosquitto_auth_opt *auth_opts, int auth_opt_count, bool reload);
* Function: mosquitto_auth_acl_check
* Called by the broker when topic access must be checked. access will be one
* of MOSQ_ACL_READ (for subscriptions) or MOSQ_ACL_WRITE (for publish). Return
* MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS if access was granted, MOSQ_ERR_ACL_DENIED if access was
* not granted, or MOSQ_ERR_UNKNOWN for an application specific error.
int mosquitto_auth_acl_check(void *user_data, const char *clientid, const char *username, const char *topic, int access);
* Function: mosquitto_auth_unpwd_check
* Called by the broker when a username/password must be checked. Return
* MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS if the user is authenticated, MOSQ_ERR_AUTH if
* authentication failed, or MOSQ_ERR_UNKNOWN for an application specific
* error.
int mosquitto_auth_unpwd_check(void *user_data, const char *username, const char *password);
* Function: mosquitto_psk_key_get
* Called by the broker when a client connects to a listener using TLS/PSK.
* This is used to retrieve the pre-shared-key associated with a client
* identity.
* Examine hint and identity to determine the required PSK (which must be a
* hexadecimal string with no leading "0x") and copy this string into key.
* Parameters:
* user_data : the pointer provided in <mosquitto_auth_plugin_init>.
* hint : the psk_hint for the listener the client is connecting to.
* identity : the identity string provided by the client
* key : a string where the hex PSK should be copied
* max_key_len : the size of key
* Return value:
* Return 0 on success.
* Return >0 on failure.
* Return >0 if this function is not required.
int mosquitto_auth_psk_key_get(void *user_data, const char *hint, const char *identity, char *key, int max_key_len);