2023-01-12 12:52:23 +01:00

1021 lines
33 KiB

import { ESPError } from "./error";
import { inflate, deflate } from "pako";
import { Transport } from "./webserial";
import { ROM } from "./targets/rom";
async function magic2Chip(magic: number): Promise<ROM> {
switch (magic) {
case 0x00f01d83: {
const { ESP32ROM } = await import("./targets/esp32");
return new ESP32ROM();
case 0x6921506f:
case 0x1b31506f: {
const { ESP32C3ROM } = await import("./targets/esp32c3");
return new ESP32C3ROM();
case 0x09: {
const { ESP32S3ROM } = await import("./targets/esp32s3");
return new ESP32S3ROM();
case 0x000007c6: {
const { ESP32S2ROM } = await import("./targets/esp32s2");
return new ESP32S2ROM();
case 0xfff0c101: {
const { ESP8266ROM } = await import("./targets/esp8266");
return new ESP8266ROM();
return null;
export interface IEspLoaderTerminal {
clean: () => void;
writeLine: (data: string) => void;
write: (data: string) => void;
export class ESPLoader {
ESP_RAM_BLOCK = 0x1800;
ESP_MEM_END = 0x06;
ESP_MEM_DATA = 0x07;
ESP_READ_REG = 0x0a;
// Only Stub supported commands
// Response code(s) sent by ROM
ROM_INVALID_RECV_MSG = 0x05; // response if an invalid message is received
DETECTED_FLASH_SIZES: { [key: number]: string } = {
0x12: "256KB",
0x13: "512KB",
0x14: "1MB",
0x15: "2MB",
0x16: "4MB",
0x17: "8MB",
0x18: "16MB",
chip: ROM;
IS_STUB: boolean;
public transport: Transport,
private baudrate: number,
private terminal: IEspLoaderTerminal,
private rom_baudrate = 115200,
) {
this.IS_STUB = false;
this.chip = null;
this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE = 0x4000;
if (this.terminal) {
this.log("esptool.js v0.1-dev");
this.log("Serial port " + this.transport.get_info());
_sleep(ms: number) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
log(str: string) {
if (this.terminal) {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
write_char(str: string) {
if (this.terminal) {
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
_short_to_bytearray(i: number) {
return new Uint8Array([i & 0xff, (i >> 8) & 0xff]);
_int_to_bytearray(i: number): Uint8Array {
return new Uint8Array([i & 0xff, (i >> 8) & 0xff, (i >> 16) & 0xff, (i >> 24) & 0xff]);
_bytearray_to_short(i: number, j: number) {
return i | (j >> 8);
_bytearray_to_int(i: number, j: number, k: number, l: number) {
return i | (j << 8) | (k << 16) | (l << 24);
_appendBuffer(buffer1: ArrayBuffer, buffer2: ArrayBuffer) {
const tmp = new Uint8Array(buffer1.byteLength + buffer2.byteLength);
tmp.set(new Uint8Array(buffer1), 0);
tmp.set(new Uint8Array(buffer2), buffer1.byteLength);
return tmp.buffer;
_appendArray(arr1: Uint8Array, arr2: Uint8Array) {
const c = new Uint8Array(arr1.length + arr2.length);
c.set(arr1, 0);
c.set(arr2, arr1.length);
return c;
ui8ToBstr(u8Array: Uint8Array) {
let b_str = "";
for (let i = 0; i < u8Array.length; i++) {
b_str += String.fromCharCode(u8Array[i]);
return b_str;
bstrToUi8(bStr: string) {
const u8_array = new Uint8Array(bStr.length);
for (let i = 0; i < bStr.length; i++) {
u8_array[i] = bStr.charCodeAt(i);
return u8_array;
async flush_input() {
try {
await this.transport.rawRead(200);
} catch (e) {
async command(
op: number | null = null,
data: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(0),
chk = 0,
waitResponse = true,
timeout = 3000,
): Promise<[number, Uint8Array]> {
//console.log("command "+ op + " " + wait_response + " " + timeout);
if (op != null) {
const pkt = new Uint8Array(8 + data.length);
pkt[0] = 0x00;
pkt[1] = op;
pkt[2] = this._short_to_bytearray(data.length)[0];
pkt[3] = this._short_to_bytearray(data.length)[1];
pkt[4] = this._int_to_bytearray(chk)[0];
pkt[5] = this._int_to_bytearray(chk)[1];
pkt[6] = this._int_to_bytearray(chk)[2];
pkt[7] = this._int_to_bytearray(chk)[3];
let i;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
pkt[8 + i] = data[i];
//console.log("Command " + pkt);
await this.transport.write(pkt);
if (!waitResponse) {
return [0, new Uint8Array(0)];
// Check up-to next 100 packets for valid response packet
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
const p = await;
// console.log("Response " + p);
const resp = p[0];
const op_ret = p[1];
// const len_ret = this._bytearray_to_short(p[2], p[3]);
const val = this._bytearray_to_int(p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]);
// console.log("Resp "+resp + " " + op_ret + " " + len_ret + " " + val );
const data = p.slice(8);
if (resp == 1) {
if (op == null || op_ret == op) {
return [val, data];
} else if (data[0] != 0 && data[1] == this.ROM_INVALID_RECV_MSG) {
await this.flush_input();
throw new ESPError("unsupported command error");
throw new ESPError("invalid response");
async read_reg(addr: number, timeout = 3000) {
const pkt = this._int_to_bytearray(addr);
const val = await this.command(this.ESP_READ_REG, pkt, undefined, undefined, timeout);
return val[0];
// { addr, value, mask = 0xffffffff, delay_us = 0, delay_after_us = 0 } = {}
async write_reg(addr: number, value: number, mask = 0xffffffff, delay_us = 0, delay_after_us = 0) {
let pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(addr), this._int_to_bytearray(value));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(mask));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(delay_us));
if (delay_after_us > 0) {
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(this.chip.UART_DATE_REG_ADDR));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(delay_after_us));
await this.check_command("write target memory", this.ESP_WRITE_REG, pkt);
async sync() {
const cmd = new Uint8Array(36);
let i;
cmd[0] = 0x07;
cmd[1] = 0x07;
cmd[2] = 0x12;
cmd[3] = 0x20;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
cmd[4 + i] = 0x55;
try {
const resp = await this.command(0x08, cmd, undefined, undefined, 100);
return resp;
} catch (e) {
this.log("Sync err " + e);
throw e;
async _connect_attempt(mode = "default_reset", esp32r0_delay = false) {
this.log("_connect_attempt " + mode + " " + esp32r0_delay);
if (mode !== "no_reset") {
await this.transport.setDTR(false);
await this.transport.setRTS(true);
await this._sleep(100);
if (esp32r0_delay) {
//await this._sleep(1200);
await this._sleep(2000);
await this.transport.setDTR(true);
await this.transport.setRTS(false);
if (esp32r0_delay) {
//await this._sleep(400);
await this._sleep(50);
await this.transport.setDTR(false);
let i = 0;
let keepReading = true;
while (keepReading) {
try {
const res = await;
i += res.length;
//console.log("Len = " + res.length);
//var str = new TextDecoder().decode(res);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
keepReading = false;
await this._sleep(50);
this.transport.slip_reader_enabled = true;
i = 7;
while (i--) {
try {
const resp = await this.sync();
return "success";
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof Error) {
if (esp32r0_delay) {
} else {
await this._sleep(50);
return "error";
async connect(mode = "default_reset", attempts = 7, detecting = false) {
let i;
let resp;
await this.transport.connect(this.rom_baudrate);
for (i = 0; i < attempts; i++) {
resp = await this._connect_attempt(mode, false);
if (resp === "success") {
resp = await this._connect_attempt(mode, true);
if (resp === "success") {
if (resp !== "success") {
throw new ESPError("Failed to connect with the device");
if (!detecting) {
const chip_magic_value = (await this.read_reg(0x40001000)) >>> 0;
this.log("Chip Magic " + chip_magic_value.toString(16));
this.chip = await magic2Chip(chip_magic_value);
if (this.chip === null) {
throw new ESPError(`Unexpected CHIP magic value ${chip_magic_value}. Failed to autodetect chip type.`);
async detect_chip(mode = "default_reset") {
await this.connect(mode);
this.write_char("Detecting chip type... ");
if (this.chip != null) {
// { op_description = "", op = null, data = [], chk = 0, timeout = 3000 } = {}
async check_command(
op_description = "",
op: number | null = null,
data: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(0),
chk = 0,
timeout = 3000,
) {
this.log("check_command " + op_description);
const resp = await this.command(op, data, chk, undefined, timeout);
if (resp[1].length > 4) {
return resp[1];
} else {
return resp[0];
async mem_begin(size: number, blocks: number, blocksize: number, offset: number) {
/* XXX: Add check to ensure that STUB is not getting overwritten */
this.log("mem_begin " + size + " " + blocks + " " + blocksize + " " + offset.toString(16));
let pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(size), this._int_to_bytearray(blocks));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(blocksize));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(offset));
await this.check_command("enter RAM download mode", this.ESP_MEM_BEGIN, pkt);
checksum = function (data: Uint8Array) {
let i;
let chk = 0xef;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
chk ^= data[i];
return chk;
async mem_block(buffer: Uint8Array, seq: number) {
let pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(buffer.length), this._int_to_bytearray(seq));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, buffer);
const checksum = this.checksum(buffer);
await this.check_command("write to target RAM", this.ESP_MEM_DATA, pkt, checksum);
async mem_finish(entrypoint: number) {
const is_entry = entrypoint === 0 ? 1 : 0;
const pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(is_entry), this._int_to_bytearray(entrypoint));
await this.check_command("leave RAM download mode", this.ESP_MEM_END, pkt, undefined, 50); // XXX: handle non-stub with diff timeout
async flash_spi_attach(hspi_arg: number) {
const pkt = this._int_to_bytearray(hspi_arg);
await this.check_command("configure SPI flash pins", this.ESP_SPI_ATTACH, pkt);
timeout_per_mb = function (seconds_per_mb: number, size_bytes: number) {
const result = seconds_per_mb * (size_bytes / 1000000);
if (result < 3000) {
return 3000;
} else {
return result;
async flash_begin(size: number, offset: number) {
const num_blocks = Math.floor((size + this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1) / this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE);
const erase_size = this.chip.get_erase_size(offset, size);
const d = new Date();
const t1 = d.getTime();
let timeout = 3000;
if (this.IS_STUB == false) {
timeout = this.timeout_per_mb(this.ERASE_REGION_TIMEOUT_PER_MB, size);
this.log("flash begin " + erase_size + " " + num_blocks + " " + this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE + " " + offset + " " + size);
let pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(erase_size), this._int_to_bytearray(num_blocks));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(offset));
if (this.IS_STUB == false) {
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0)); // XXX: Support encrypted
await this.check_command("enter Flash download mode", this.ESP_FLASH_BEGIN, pkt, undefined, timeout);
const t2 = d.getTime();
if (size != 0 && this.IS_STUB == false) {
this.log("Took " + (t2 - t1) / 1000 + "." + ((t2 - t1) % 1000) + "s to erase flash block");
return num_blocks;
async flash_defl_begin(size: number, compsize: number, offset: number) {
const num_blocks = Math.floor((compsize + this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1) / this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE);
const erase_blocks = Math.floor((size + this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - 1) / this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE);
const d = new Date();
const t1 = d.getTime();
let write_size, timeout;
if (this.IS_STUB) {
write_size = size;
timeout = 3000;
} else {
write_size = erase_blocks * this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE;
timeout = this.timeout_per_mb(this.ERASE_REGION_TIMEOUT_PER_MB, write_size);
this.log("Compressed " + size + " bytes to " + compsize + "...");
let pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(write_size), this._int_to_bytearray(num_blocks));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(offset));
if (
(this.chip.CHIP_NAME === "ESP32-S2" ||
this.chip.CHIP_NAME === "ESP32-S3" ||
this.chip.CHIP_NAME === "ESP32-C3") &&
this.IS_STUB === false
) {
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
await this.check_command("enter compressed flash mode", this.ESP_FLASH_DEFL_BEGIN, pkt, undefined, timeout);
const t2 = d.getTime();
if (size != 0 && this.IS_STUB === false) {
this.log("Took " + (t2 - t1) / 1000 + "." + ((t2 - t1) % 1000) + "s to erase flash block");
return num_blocks;
async flash_block(data: Uint8Array, seq: number, timeout: number) {
let pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(data.length), this._int_to_bytearray(seq));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, data);
const checksum = this.checksum(data);
await this.check_command("write to target Flash after seq " + seq, this.ESP_FLASH_DATA, pkt, checksum, timeout);
async flash_defl_block(data: Uint8Array, seq: number, timeout: number) {
let pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(data.length), this._int_to_bytearray(seq));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, data);
const checksum = this.checksum(data);
this.log("flash_defl_block " + data[0].toString(16) + " " + data[1].toString(16));
await this.check_command(
"write compressed data to flash after seq " + seq,
async flash_finish(reboot = false) {
const val = reboot ? 0 : 1;
const pkt = this._int_to_bytearray(val);
await this.check_command("leave Flash mode", this.ESP_FLASH_END, pkt);
async flash_defl_finish(reboot = false) {
const val = reboot ? 0 : 1;
const pkt = this._int_to_bytearray(val);
await this.check_command("leave compressed flash mode", this.ESP_FLASH_DEFL_END, pkt);
async run_spiflash_command(spiflash_command: number, data: Uint8Array, read_bits: number) {
// SPI_USR register flags
const SPI_USR_COMMAND = 1 << 31;
const SPI_USR_MISO = 1 << 28;
const SPI_USR_MOSI = 1 << 27;
// SPI registers, base address differs ESP32* vs 8266
const base = this.chip.SPI_REG_BASE;
const SPI_CMD_REG = base + 0x00;
const SPI_USR_REG = base + this.chip.SPI_USR_OFFS;
const SPI_USR1_REG = base + this.chip.SPI_USR1_OFFS;
const SPI_USR2_REG = base + this.chip.SPI_USR2_OFFS;
const SPI_W0_REG = base + this.chip.SPI_W0_OFFS;
let set_data_lengths;
if (this.chip.SPI_MOSI_DLEN_OFFS != null) {
set_data_lengths = async (mosi_bits: number, miso_bits: number) => {
const SPI_MOSI_DLEN_REG = base + this.chip.SPI_MOSI_DLEN_OFFS;
const SPI_MISO_DLEN_REG = base + this.chip.SPI_MISO_DLEN_OFFS;
if (mosi_bits > 0) {
await this.write_reg(SPI_MOSI_DLEN_REG, mosi_bits - 1);
if (miso_bits > 0) {
await this.write_reg(SPI_MISO_DLEN_REG, miso_bits - 1);
} else {
set_data_lengths = async (mosi_bits: number, miso_bits: number) => {
const SPI_MOSI_BITLEN_S = 17;
const SPI_MISO_BITLEN_S = 8;
const mosi_mask = mosi_bits === 0 ? 0 : mosi_bits - 1;
const miso_mask = miso_bits === 0 ? 0 : miso_bits - 1;
const val = (miso_mask << SPI_MISO_BITLEN_S) | (mosi_mask << SPI_MOSI_BITLEN_S);
await this.write_reg(SPI_DATA_LEN_REG, val);
const SPI_CMD_USR = 1 << 18;
if (read_bits > 32) {
throw new ESPError("Reading more than 32 bits back from a SPI flash operation is unsupported");
if (data.length > 64) {
throw new ESPError("Writing more than 64 bytes of data with one SPI command is unsupported");
const data_bits = data.length * 8;
const old_spi_usr = await this.read_reg(SPI_USR_REG);
const old_spi_usr2 = await this.read_reg(SPI_USR2_REG);
let flags = SPI_USR_COMMAND;
let i;
if (read_bits > 0) {
flags |= SPI_USR_MISO;
if (data_bits > 0) {
flags |= SPI_USR_MOSI;
await set_data_lengths(data_bits, read_bits);
await this.write_reg(SPI_USR_REG, flags);
let val = (7 << SPI_USR2_COMMAND_LEN_SHIFT) | spiflash_command;
await this.write_reg(SPI_USR2_REG, val);
if (data_bits == 0) {
await this.write_reg(SPI_W0_REG, 0);
} else {
if (data.length % 4 != 0) {
const padding = new Uint8Array(data.length % 4);
data = this._appendArray(data, padding);
let next_reg = SPI_W0_REG;
for (i = 0; i < data.length - 4; i += 4) {
val = this._bytearray_to_int(data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3]);
await this.write_reg(next_reg, val);
next_reg += 4;
await this.write_reg(SPI_CMD_REG, SPI_CMD_USR);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
val = (await this.read_reg(SPI_CMD_REG)) & SPI_CMD_USR;
if (val == 0) {
if (i === 10) {
throw new ESPError("SPI command did not complete in time");
const stat = await this.read_reg(SPI_W0_REG);
await this.write_reg(SPI_USR_REG, old_spi_usr);
await this.write_reg(SPI_USR2_REG, old_spi_usr2);
return stat;
async read_flash_id() {
const SPIFLASH_RDID = 0x9f;
const pkt = new Uint8Array(0);
return await this.run_spiflash_command(SPIFLASH_RDID, pkt, 24);
async erase_flash() {
this.log("Erasing flash (this may take a while)...");
let d = new Date();
const t1 = d.getTime();
const ret = await this.check_command(
"erase flash",
d = new Date();
const t2 = d.getTime();
this.log("Chip erase completed successfully in " + (t2 - t1) / 1000 + "s");
return ret;
toHex(buffer: number | Uint8Array) {
return, (x) => ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join("");
async flash_md5sum(addr: number, size: number) {
const timeout = this.timeout_per_mb(this.MD5_TIMEOUT_PER_MB, size);
let pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(addr), this._int_to_bytearray(size));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
pkt = this._appendArray(pkt, this._int_to_bytearray(0));
let res = await this.check_command("calculate md5sum", this.ESP_SPI_FLASH_MD5, pkt, undefined, timeout);
if (res instanceof Uint8Array && res.length > 16) {
res = res.slice(0, 16);
const strmd5 = this.toHex(res);
return strmd5;
async run_stub() {
this.log("Uploading stub...");
let decoded = atob(this.chip.ROM_TEXT);
let chardata = decoded.split("").map(function (x) {
return x.charCodeAt(0);
const bindata = new Uint8Array(chardata);
const text = inflate(bindata);
decoded = atob(this.chip.ROM_DATA);
chardata = decoded.split("").map(function (x) {
return x.charCodeAt(0);
const data = new Uint8Array(chardata);
let blocks = Math.floor((text.length + this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK - 1) / this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK);
let i;
await this.mem_begin(text.length, blocks, this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK, this.chip.TEXT_START);
for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
const from_offs = i * this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK;
const to_offs = from_offs + this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK;
await this.mem_block(text.slice(from_offs, to_offs), i);
blocks = Math.floor((data.length + this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK - 1) / this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK);
await this.mem_begin(data.length, blocks, this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK, this.chip.DATA_START);
for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {
const from_offs = i * this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK;
const to_offs = from_offs + this.ESP_RAM_BLOCK;
await this.mem_block(data.slice(from_offs, to_offs), i);
this.log("Running stub...");
await this.mem_finish(this.chip.ENTRY);
// Check up-to next 100 packets to see if stub is running
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
const res = await, 6);
if (res[0] === 79 && res[1] === 72 && res[2] === 65 && res[3] === 73) {
this.log("Stub running...");
this.IS_STUB = true;
this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE = 0x4000;
return this.chip;
throw new ESPError("Failed to start stub. Unexpected response");
async change_baud() {
this.log("Changing baudrate to " + this.baudrate);
const second_arg = this.IS_STUB ? this.transport.baudrate : 0;
const pkt = this._appendArray(this._int_to_bytearray(this.baudrate), this._int_to_bytearray(second_arg));
const resp = await this.command(this.ESP_CHANGE_BAUDRATE, pkt);
await this.transport.disconnect();
await this._sleep(50);
await this.transport.connect(this.baudrate);
try {
await this.transport.rawRead(500);
} catch (e) {
async main_fn(mode = "default_reset") {
await this.detect_chip(mode);
const chip = await this.chip.get_chip_description(this);
this.log("Chip is " + chip);
this.log("Features: " + (await this.chip.get_chip_features(this)));
this.log("Crystal is " + (await this.chip.get_crystal_freq(this)) + "MHz");
this.log("MAC: " + (await this.chip.read_mac(this)));
await this.chip.read_mac(this);
if (typeof this.chip._post_connect != "undefined") {
await this.chip._post_connect(this);
await this.run_stub();
await this.change_baud();
return chip;
flash_size_bytes = function (flash_size: string) {
let flash_size_b = -1;
if (flash_size.indexOf("KB") !== -1) {
flash_size_b = parseInt(flash_size.slice(0, flash_size.indexOf("KB"))) * 1024;
} else if (flash_size.indexOf("MB") !== -1) {
flash_size_b = parseInt(flash_size.slice(0, flash_size.indexOf("MB"))) * 1024 * 1024;
return flash_size_b;
parse_flash_size_arg(flsz: string) {
if (typeof this.chip.FLASH_SIZES[flsz] === "undefined") {
throw new ESPError(
"Flash size " + flsz + " is not supported by this chip type. Supported sizes: " + this.chip.FLASH_SIZES,
return this.chip.FLASH_SIZES[flsz];
image: string,
address: number,
flash_size: string,
flash_mode: string,
flash_freq: string,
) {
this.log("_update_image_flash_params " + flash_size + " " + flash_mode + " " + flash_freq);
if (image.length < 8) {
return image;
if (address != this.chip.BOOTLOADER_FLASH_OFFSET) {
return image;
if (flash_size === "keep" && flash_mode === "keep" && flash_freq === "keep") {
this.log("Not changing the image");
return image;
const magic = parseInt(image[0]);
let a_flash_mode = parseInt(image[2]);
const flash_size_freq = parseInt(image[3]);
if (magic !== this.ESP_IMAGE_MAGIC) {
"Warning: Image file at 0x" +
address.toString(16) +
" doesn't look like an image file, so not changing any flash settings.",
return image;
/* XXX: Yet to implement actual image verification */
if (flash_mode !== "keep") {
const flash_modes: { [key: string]: number } = { qio: 0, qout: 1, dio: 2, dout: 3 };
a_flash_mode = flash_modes[flash_mode];
let a_flash_freq = flash_size_freq & 0x0f;
if (flash_freq !== "keep") {
const flash_freqs: { [key: string]: number } = { "40m": 0, "26m": 1, "20m": 2, "80m": 0xf };
a_flash_freq = flash_freqs[flash_freq];
let a_flash_size = flash_size_freq & 0xf0;
if (flash_size !== "keep") {
a_flash_size = this.parse_flash_size_arg(flash_size);
const flash_params = (a_flash_mode << 8) | (a_flash_freq + a_flash_size);
this.log("Flash params set to " + flash_params.toString(16));
if (parseInt(image[2]) !== a_flash_mode << 8) {
// image[2] = a_flash_mode << 8;
image = image.substring(0, 2) + (a_flash_mode << 8).toString() + image.substring(2 + 1);
if (parseInt(image[3]) !== a_flash_freq + a_flash_size) {
// image[3] = a_flash_freq + a_flash_size;
image = image.substring(0, 3) + (a_flash_freq + a_flash_size).toString() + image.substring(3 + 1);
return image;
async write_flash(
fileArray: {
data: string;
address: number;
flash_size = "keep",
flash_mode = "keep",
flash_freq = "keep",
erase_all = false,
compress = true,
/* function(fileIndex, written, total) */
reportProgress?: (fileIndex: number, written: number, total: number) => void,
/* function(image: string) => string */
calculateMD5Hash?: (image: string) => string,
) {
this.log("EspLoader program");
if (flash_size !== "keep") {
const flash_end = this.flash_size_bytes(flash_size);
for (let i = 0; i < fileArray.length; i++) {
if (fileArray[i].data.length + fileArray[i].address > flash_end) {
throw new ESPError(`File ${i + 1} doesn"t fit in the available flash`);
if (this.IS_STUB === true && erase_all === true) {
await this.erase_flash();
let image: string, address: number;
for (let i = 0; i < fileArray.length; i++) {
this.log("Data Length " + fileArray[i].data.length);
image = fileArray[i].data;
const reminder = fileArray[i].data.length % 4;
if (reminder > 0) image += "\xff\xff\xff\xff".substring(4 - reminder);
address = fileArray[i].address;
this.log("Image Length " + image.length);
if (image.length === 0) {
this.log("Warning: File is empty");
image = this._update_image_flash_params(image, address, flash_size, flash_mode, flash_freq);
let calcmd5: string;
if (calculateMD5Hash) {
calcmd5 = calculateMD5Hash(image);
this.log("Image MD5 " + calcmd5);
const uncsize = image.length;
let blocks: number;
if (compress) {
const uncimage = this.bstrToUi8(image);
image = this.ui8ToBstr(deflate(uncimage, { level: 9 }));
this.log("Compressed image ");
// this.log(image);
blocks = await this.flash_defl_begin(uncsize, image.length, address);
} else {
blocks = await this.flash_begin(uncsize, address);
let seq = 0;
let bytes_sent = 0;
// const bytes_written = 0;
const totalBytes = image.length;
if (reportProgress) reportProgress(i, 0, totalBytes);
let d = new Date();
const t1 = d.getTime();
let timeout = 5000;
while (image.length > 0) {
this.log("Write loop " + address + " " + seq + " " + blocks);
"Writing at 0x" +
(address + seq * this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE).toString(16) +
"... (" +
Math.floor((100 * (seq + 1)) / blocks) +
const block = this.bstrToUi8(image.slice(0, this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE));
if (compress) {
let block_uncompressed = pako.inflate(block).length;
//let len_uncompressed = block_uncompressed.length;
bytes_written += block_uncompressed;
if (this.timeout_per_mb(this.ERASE_WRITE_TIMEOUT_PER_MB, block_uncompressed) > 3000) {
block_timeout = this.timeout_per_mb(this.ERASE_WRITE_TIMEOUT_PER_MB, block_uncompressed);
} else {
block_timeout = 3000;
}*/ // XXX: Partial block inflate seems to be unsupported in Pako. Hardcoding timeout
const block_timeout = 5000;
if (this.IS_STUB === false) {
timeout = block_timeout;
await this.flash_defl_block(block, seq, timeout);
if (this.IS_STUB) {
timeout = block_timeout;
} else {
throw new ESPError("Yet to handle Non Compressed writes");
bytes_sent += block.length;
image = image.slice(this.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE, image.length);
if (reportProgress) reportProgress(i, bytes_sent, totalBytes);
if (this.IS_STUB) {
await this.read_reg(this.CHIP_DETECT_MAGIC_REG_ADDR, timeout);
d = new Date();
const t = d.getTime() - t1;
if (compress) {
"Wrote " +
uncsize +
" bytes (" +
bytes_sent +
" compressed) at 0x" +
address.toString(16) +
" in " +
t / 1000 +
" seconds.",
if (calculateMD5Hash) {
const res = await this.flash_md5sum(address, uncsize);
if (new String(res).valueOf() != new String(calcmd5).valueOf()) {
this.log("File md5: " + calcmd5);
this.log("Flash md5: " + res);
throw new ESPError("MD5 of file does not match data in flash!");
} else {
this.log("Hash of data verified.");
if (this.IS_STUB) {
await this.flash_begin(0, 0);
if (compress) {
await this.flash_defl_finish();
} else {
await this.flash_finish();
async flash_id() {
const flashid = await this.read_flash_id();
this.log("Manufacturer: " + (flashid & 0xff).toString(16));
const flid_lowbyte = (flashid >> 16) & 0xff;
this.log("Device: " + ((flashid >> 8) & 0xff).toString(16) + flid_lowbyte.toString(16));
this.log("Detected flash size: " + this.DETECTED_FLASH_SIZES[flid_lowbyte]);
async hard_reset() {
this.transport.setRTS(true); // EN->LOW
await this._sleep(100);
async soft_reset() {
if (!this.IS_STUB) {
// "run user code" is as close to a soft reset as we can do
this.flash_begin(0, 0);
} else if (this.chip.CHIP_NAME != "ESP8266") {
throw new ESPError("Soft resetting is currently only supported on ESP8266");
} else {
// running user code from stub loader requires some hacks
// in the stub loader
this.command(this.ESP_RUN_USER_CODE, undefined, undefined, false);